
When inputting Banner invoices, please pay careful attention during the first five business days of the month, while the prior fiscal period is still open. When possible, Banner invoices should be back dated to the prior period if the goods or services were received in that period.

If an invoice is paid with a transaction date in the new fiscal period that should have been back dated, input a JV to record the expense and payable in the prior period, as follows:

To record the expense and payable in the period the goods or services were received:

Debit                      Departmental Index            Expense Account Code
Credit                     Departmental Index            B0190 – Received Items Payable

To reverse the accrual in the period in which the invoice was paid:

Debit                      Departmental Index            B0190 – Received Items Payable
Credit                     Departmental Index            Expense Account Code

If you have any questions please contact Financial Services at 6-3524.