Travel / Concur Training
“Three Steps to Concur/Travel Success”
Date: TBD 10:00 AM-12:30 PM
Teams session:
Topics include:
- Brief overview of UO travel website and travel policy: IRS Accountable Plan, Business Purpose, basic UO Travel Policy requirements, how to find UO travel information
- Tips for Travel Planning
- Concur:
- Completing your Concur profile, verifying your email, how to set up the Concur mobile app and your free TripIt Pro account
- Step 1: Obtaining pre travel approval in Request
- Step 2: Booking Travel: Booking Tool versus TMC (travel agent assist)
- Step 3: Expense Report
- Resources and Help
Quarterly Travel Policy
Date: TBD 8:30am - 12:30pm
Location: Teams session
Please register on My Tracks:
Areas of focus include:
- IRS Accountable Plan/UO Travel Policy
- Best Practices and tips for travel arrangers
- Federal Grant funded travel
- Employee, Guest, Student and Volunteer travel expense reimbursement
- BA and Travel website overview
- Online travel resources
Concur Monthly Roundtable
The UO Travel Office hosts a monthly Concur Roundtable for Concur travel delegates and travelers on the first Wednesday of each month. It’s an opportunity to meet your peers and share best practices, stay informed about changes and updates, and provide feedback related to Concur and UO travel.
Date: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025 ** Time: 11:00 AM to Noon
Documentation and Attachments-Tools and tips to obtain, store, and attach documentation for Travel Requests and Expense Reports Documentation is an essential piece in telling the story of a business trip. The receipts, conference agendas, activity logs, and comments live on in our system of record, Concur to support expenses that have been paid by the university and reimbursed to employee and guest travelers. Please join the Travel Office as we explore the world of documentation as it pertains to travel expense reporting. We will share best practices and tips that will help travelers and delegates ensure all of necessary documentation is present in the Concur Request and Expense Report, making approvals and final processing of the reimbursement a breeze.
Discussion topics include:
- Policy Required Documentation (receipts and business purpose)
- Best practices for obtaining documentation
- Identify resources to help travelers and delegates track down missing documentation
- What do when an itemized receipt is not offered
- Travel Abroad Services Provide by a Non US Citizen
- A brief note on comparison quotes
- Other good of the order
- Q&A
Microsoft Teams Need help?
Meeting ID: 267 721 222 07
Passcode: oTHRuB
Dial in by phone
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Travel Policy/Concur Overview Monthly Training Video Recording:
Part 2: Expense
Travel Talk - Clery Act
Part 1 - Introduction, Travel Policy Guidelines, Tax Treatment
Part 2 - Persons Eligible for Expense Reimbursement, Travel Expense Payment, Misc. Travel Expense
Part 3 - Lodging, Meals, Transportation, Vehicles (Personal, Rental, Motor Pool)
Part 4 - Concur Overview
Concur Roundtable Materials:
May 2023 - FY23 Year End Travel and Accrual Processes
July 2022 - Concur New UI Presentation (Powerpoint) Concur New UI (Recording)
April 2022 - Fiscal Year End Preparation (Recording)
March 2022 - Top 10 Travel Policy Tips (Powerpoint) Top 10 Travel Policy Tips (Recording)
February 2022 - One Card for Travel (Powerpoint) One Card for Travel (Recording)
January 2022 - Student Travel (Powerpoint) Student Travel (Recording)
September 2021 - Moving Procedures
August 2021 - The world awaits! A discussion on UO International business travel (Powerpoint)
July 2021 - Be fast, be efficient, and save money for your department-Use the Concur Booking Tool! (Powerpoint)
June 2021 - Three Steps to Success in Concur
May 2021 -
Slide Deck: May Travel Round Table
March 2021 -
Slide Deck: Looking Ahead: Proactive Travel Planning During COVID-19
March 2021 - Travel Talk: Concur Mileage Calculator Tool
February 2021, Part 2 - "Vehicle Travel Policies and Tips"
Department Workshops: "Three Steps to Concur Success"
The UO Travel Office offers a one hour workshop for your staff on "The Three Steps to Concur Success". This session will provide UO business travelers or their support staff with some simple keys to success so users can easily create their Concur Request, Book Travel and file their Expense report. Consider this useful workshop for a staff meeting or an Office Hours session. Let us help you feel more comfortable in the system. We can also provide custom sessions for your specific needs. Here are training/discussion topic for ideas:
- UO Managed Travel Program: How to book UO business travel - TMC (UO travel agency) or Concur booking tool, UO Lodge Cards, One Card corporate travel card
- Concur booking tool: How to use search filters, booking hotel and cars, how to find your current and past travel itineraries
- Concur Request/Duty of Care: the purpose and features of Request
- Expense/Reimbursement: Check out the features: Travel Allowance /per diem tables, Mileage Calculator, allocating funds, hotel itemization, print/summary report
- Guest/ Student travel: Acting as a host to book guest travel with Concur.
- Mobile tools: Life savers for your road warriors - Concur Mobile App and Tripit Pro: Itinerary and schedule organizers, ExpenseIt enhancement - receipt capture for smart phone users.
- Reporting tools: Analyze your travel spend, review trends, compliance issues
- Concur Q&A: Your questions answered, review of your current projects
- Workflow analysis: Streamlining your approval, analyzing if you have too many touch points, is your process meeting your departmental needs
- Concur Resources: Where do I get help? Tour of UO Travel office website for: ** Concur Step-by-Step manuals, FAQ, tips; ** UO Concur/Travel email and phone numbers; ** UO Travel Agency after hours emergency help