Travel Agency (TMC) Booking – Notify the TMC of a Request Approval to Ticket

Step-by-Step Procedure

Travel Agency (TMC) Booking – Notify the TMC of a Request Approval to Ticket

When you book airfare using your Travel Agency(TMC) you must provide proof of an approved Request to the agency.
(DO NOT forward a copy of your approval email. It does not have the required detail for ticketing.)
Here is how to send an Approved Request notification.

Steps to Complete

1.) Locate your approved Request

Once your Request is approved, on the Concur home page click on Request (next to the SAP Concur logo) and locate your approved Request from the resulting list.
Open the Request by clicking on the request name.

Active Requests

2.) Click the Print/Email button

Select *UO Request Printed Report

Print email screenshot

3.) When the printable Request opens, click the Email button

Enter your assigned TMC email address (visible in the header of your printed report.
You can also send to multiple emails by separating each with a ;
It's a good idea to send a copy to yourself for your records.

4.) Drag and drop or Copy and Paste

You can highlight the email address, then drag and drop or copy and paste it into the Email Recipient(s) field.

5.) Click Send
6.) TMC contacts isn't on my print report - what do I do?

If the email address is not visible on your printable Request, contact the Travel Office at so that we may update your profile with the correct information.

If you know which is your assigned travel agency, you may use the following email address to communicate with the correct one.

Direct Travel -

Premier Travel -


Active Concur profile.