Copy a Concur Request

Step-by-Step Procedure

Copy a Concur Request

You can copy one Request over and over. Applications:

• Same business purpose but different dates
• Same event and dates but for different guests

Optional: Save the same anticipated Segments and Expenses, if you choose. PLEASE NOTE: Attachments to the original Request do not copy to the new Request.

Note: If your original Request started on the Travel button with self booked segments prior to obtaining an approved Request, you will not be able to copy this Request. Please start with a new Request.

Steps to Complete

1.) How to copy an existing Request

1. Go to the top black navigation bar and click on Request.
2. Click on the Request you wish to copy.
3. Click Copy Request.

2.) Change the name of the new Request

1. Change the name of the new Request.
2. Select new dates from the calendar widget.
3. Keep the "expected expenses" box checked to copy expenses to the new Request, or uncheck the box if you prefer to create a new expense list.
If the original Request has Segments (air, hotel, car), you will see a "segments" box, it's usually best to uncheck the "segments" box. If the "segment" box is left checked, then the segments will copy to the new report. The copy segment feature should be used cautiously as it may generate a booking once the Request is approved.
4. Click the blue "Create New Request" button to complete the final step of copying a Request.