Booking Travel (Booking Tool) from an Approved Request

Step-by-Step Procedure

Booking Travel (Booking Tool) from an Approved Request

If you have selected Online Concur Booking Tool as your booking method, you will be able to use the booking tool to complete your airfare purchase and reservations once your Travel Request is approved.

Go to your Approved Request and use the Book button from within the Request.

Caution – Do Not navigate directly to the Travel tab and book your airfare. This will result in a new Request that will require approval before airfare can be purchased.

Steps to Complete

1.) Navigate to Requests from the black navigation bar.
2.) Locate your Active Approved Request.

You may need to click the Active Requests link if your Request was created 45+ days prior to booking

3.) Click on the Book button in the Action column of the relevant Request

4.) Your Travel Request Itinerary opens.

Review information.

5.) Click Proceed to Booking button

Search results will open.

6.) Select desired flights

You can shop by fares, or shop by schedule by clicking on the appropriate tab. Use the slider bars on the left to adjust times. Select the desired flights to continue.

7.) Review and Reserve Flight

On this screen, review all the information. Be sure you have the correct traveler information and the dates and flight times are correct. Any changes after purchase will incur fees.
If anything needs to be corrected, click the blue Back button at the bottom of the page. (Do not use the back arrow.)

8.) Select a Method of Payment

Be sure to select the Lodge Card associated with your TMC:
UofO DT Card* (…2663) for Direct Travel
UO Travel Card PT* (…7582) for Premier Travel

Personal credit card payments will not be reimbursed for airfare purchase per UO Travel Policy.

9.) Reserve Flight and Continue

If everything is correct, including the traveler name, click the orange Reserve Flight and Continue button at the bottom of the page.

10.) You may skip Car and Hotel and return to book those segments at a later time.
11.) Be sure to move to the bottom of each page to click the button to move forward.

There are 3 to 5 review screens, depending on how many travel components you book. On the last page, click "Confirm Booking".