What is QuikPAY?

The university uses an electronic billing system called QuikPAY to bill students for charges incurred. Electronic billing statements are generated on a monthly billing cycle and are produced around the 16th of each month. Payments are due on the first day of the following month. Interest and billing charges are assessed on past due balances after the 10thof each month. The first billing statement for Fall term will be available mid-September; for Winter term mid-December; and for Spring term mid-March. Once the statement is available online, an electronic notification will be sent to the students official UO email address.

Does QuikPAY require a certain type of computer, software or web browser?

The QuikPAY system requires the use of a current browser version, (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome or Safari), with cookies and java script enabled.

How do students access QuikPAY?

Students will receive a monthly email notification with the subject line "University of Oregon Student Account Bill." The link in the account is for Authorized Payers. Students access QuikPAY by:

  • Logging into Duckweb using their UO ID & PAC
  • Selecting Student Menu
  • Selecting QuikPAY Student Account

Upon login, students can view the bill, set up and store bank account information, pay the bill electronically, print paper copies of the bill, and establish Authorized Payers.

How do students set up Authorized Payers?

For students who have a third party, such as a parent or guardian that will be inquiring, viewing, or making payments on the student billing account, the student will need to establish the third party as an Authorized Payer on the QuikPAY system.

Students can establish up to five authorized payers. To establish an authorized payer, follow the instructions below:

  • Login to Duckweb using a UO ID & PAC
  • Select "Student Menu"
  • Select "QuikPAY Student Account"
  • Select "Authorize Payers" from the list of options on the left
  • Click on "Add New" button
  • Enter Authorized Payers name and email address
  • Once the student establishes an authorized payer, a secured email will be sent to the new Authorized Payer to set their password.

What if an Authorized Payer forgets their password?

Authorized Payers can reset their own passwords by clicking on the QuikPAY link in the email notification. At the login page, click on the "Forgot Password" button and enter their login name. They will receive an email with a single use link to reset their password.

What is the URL to the QuikPAY website for Authorized Payers?


Can the e-bill notification be sent to more than one email address for the Student or Authorized Payer?

Students and Authorized Payers can set up a secondary email address that will also receive the E-bill notification. To do so, select "User Preferences" from the navigation bar in QuikPAY and enter a second email address.

Can former students receive their bill electronically?

Yes. Please update email addresses by following these directions:

  • Login to Duckweb using a UO ID & PAC
  • Select Personal Information
  • Select Personal Information Application
  • Select Add New Email Address
  • Select "Personal Email of Former Students, Faculty and Staff"
  • Enter a current Email address
  • Click "Add"


FAQ's on electronic payments.