Off-Campus Work-Study Employers

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Welcome to the University of Oregon Off-Campus Federal Work-Study Employer website.

The following offices at the university will work with your agency when you participate in this program:

Student Financial Aid and ScholarshipsInitial enrollment in program, award amount, agreement status and terms
Business Affairs - Payroll OfficeInitial hire documents, monthly timesheets, and paychecks.
Business Affairs - General AccountingBilling and payment questions
Career CenterJob posting on the web (Optional)

What is the Federal Work-Study Program?

The university encourages public and private non-profit organizations to hire student employees by participating in the Off-Campus Federal Work-Study Program. A federal grant underwrites part of the wage expense. Student employees in your organization are placed on the University of Oregon's payroll and paid monthly for full wages earned. Your agency will be billed for your portion of the wage expense (approximately 50%) and for any applicable related employer costs.

Student employees are students first and foremost and, in recognition of this, are limited to a total of half-time employment or 25 hours per week while classes are in session. This limit includes all student employment positions held simultaneously. During term breaks students may be employed full-time as long as they have Federal Work-Study awards for the term before and after the break.

Do you qualify to be a Federal Work-Study Off-Campus Employer ?

The university will consider requests to enter into contractual agreements with federal, state or local public agencies, and private non-profit organizations based upon the following rules and upon available funds.

  1. Employer must be a public or private non-profit organization, with a 501c3 federal tax designation.
  2. Employment must not result in the displacement of other employees.
  3. Work must be in the public interest and cannot primarily benefit members of a limited membership organization.
  4. Work cannot require religious or political involvement.
  5. Work does not involve the construction, operation or maintenance of any facility used or to be used for sectarian instruction or as a place of religious worship.
  6. Employer will provide meaningful work. Preferably, work will enhance the student's educational objectives.
  7. Employer must provide adequate supervision and training for the student employed.
  8. Employer must provide responsible record keeping and monitoring of student hours within the limitations of the student's FWS certification (award).
  9. Employer must have funding available and the ability to write checks to pay its portion of the student's wages.
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Step 1. Enroll in Program

Submit the following documents to Financial Aid and Scholarships:

UO Off-Campus Employer Federal Work-Study Agreement

Request to Participate in the Off-Campus Federal Work-Study Program

Include with your request the following documents:

1. A copy of the Articles of Incorporation for Non-Profit status designating the 501c3 tax status (not required for government agencies).

2. A description of the agency's program indicating major functions and purposes.

3. Student Job Description (one for each position). Student Wage Rates and Student Employee Classification Levels

If your agency is approved to participate in the program, confirmation and hiring process instructions will be emailed to you. In addition, Student Financial Aid and Scholarships will scan the final agreement, signed by both parties, and will send a copy via email in PDF format.

Agreements run from July 1st through June 30th of the following year. Renewal is NOT automatic. You must re-apply each year. Student Financial Aid and Scholarships will send you a renewal notice as a reminder.

Important: The agreement must be signed by both UO and your agency before a student can begin working at your agency. You will need to obtain a copy of your student employee's award letter to verify the amount of Federal Work-Study awarded and employment timeframe, or contact the Financial Aid office to verify the Federal Work-Study award. A student cannot begin working prior to the first day of classes of the term for which the Federal Work-Study is initially awarded.

If you have questions about the program, the application procedure, or have problems downloading these forms, please call Kyna Burgett at (541) 346-1173,

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Step 2. Job Posting

All Federal Work-Study (FWS) approved student jobs must be entered in Handshake, the UO’s student job posting system. You are not required to post the job as open, but the job description must be listed so that it can be accessed for federal audit purposes.

Through Handshake you can connect with University of Oregon students by posting jobs and internships, recruiting and interviewing on campus, and registering for events.​ For step-by-step information on creating an account and posting a job, visit the following:

Create a user account.

Post a job.

Questions? Contact the Career Center at 541-346-3235 or at

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Step 3. Payroll

Off-Campus Work-Study employers are required to complete the hire packet, including the I-9 verification. After completion please submit all hire documents to the UO Payroll Office according to the Payroll Deadlines & Calendar. Incomplete paperwork will be returned to the employer.

The USCIS Form I-9 must be completed no later than (3) three days after the first day of work to comply with federal law. UO Payroll Office policy requires copies of the documents used to establish employment eligibility be attached to the Form I-9.


Permanent Resident Card - If a student indicates on the hire paperwork that they are a Resident Alien or a Permanent Resident they must include a copy of their Permanent Resident Card or Resident Alien card. This is a UO Payroll Office requirement. This card may also be used with the USCIS Form I-9.

NOTE: Do not copy a large quantity of the following forms to keep on hand, as forms may be revised periodically.

Off-Campus Federal Work-Study Employment Form  Completed Example  Student Wage Schedule and Student Assistant Levels

Form W-4 Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate

Form OR-W-4 Oregon Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate

USCIS Form I-9 Include copies of supporting documents.

Instructions for Form I-9

Handbook for Employers (Guidance for completing Form I-9)

Receipts: If the employee provides a receipt in lieu of the actual document, such as a receipt of application for an SSN card, the employee must show you the actual document within 90 days of the date of hire or be subject to termination.

Signature Authorization Form - Required for anyone who will be signing Off-Campus Work-Study documents (Employment forms and timesheets). We cannot accept digital signatures.

If you have any questions concerning these forms, contact the Payroll Office at or 541-346-3151.

Direct Deposit:

Students may have their paycheck deposited into checking or savings accounts at banks and credit unions nationwide. Students may enroll in direct deposit via DuckWeb and at the same time may select a "paperless" or "green" option for viewing their earnings statements on-line.

Enrolling in Direct Deposit via DuckWeb: Go to DuckWeb and log in using UO ID and (PAC) Personal Access Code. You can make select direct deposit options in either the Student Information or Employee Information sections.

Paperless Option for Earnings Statement: Select the Earnings Statement link in the Employee Information section to find the selection box. Uncheck the box and then click on the "Display" button to save your choice.

Enrolling via Paper Form: Direct Deposit Authorization - Attach a voided check or other document from the bank that provides the routing and account numbers. Submit the form to the Payroll Office.

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Step 4. Time Sheets and Payroll Procedures

For Off-Campus Work-Study employees, the pay period is the 13th through the 12th and payday is always the last working day of the month. The UO Payroll Office will process the timesheet and pay the student the full wage earned. The UO General Accounting Office will bill your Agency for its portion of the work-study wages and the OPE.

Due Date: Time sheets are due in the Payroll Office on the 13th or the next working day. ( Refer to chart below for exact dates.)

Monthly Time Sheets

Federal Work-Study Student Time Sheet  Completed Example

Federal Work-Study Student Time Sheet (with auto sum)

Submission to UO Payroll: The time sheet must be submitted to the UO Payroll Office for processing. Please verify your student's hours before signing the time sheet. Time sheets can be submitted in person to the Payroll Office on the second floor of the Thompson University Center at 720 E 13th Ave, faxed to 541-346-2393, emailed to, or mailed to P.O. Box 3237, Eugene, OR 97403-0237.

Signature Authorization Form: The time sheet may only be signed by supervisors that have been authorized to do so via the Signature Authorization Form (see Step 3).

Important Reminders:

Lunch Breaks: BOLI (Bureau of Labor and Industries) law requires that students be given a one half hour lunch break if they work six (6) hours or more per day. The federal work-study grant does not pay for lunch periods or overtime hours worked. NOTE: Make sure the lunch breaks are clearly indicated on the time sheet.

Do Not Forecast Hours - Do not sign or submit timesheets that include hours that have not been worked by the student. Specifically,do not record hours for the day the time sheets are due. If work is done on a due date, please record those hours on the next month's time sheet.

Late Time Sheets: Please advise students that consistently late time sheets can result in loss of a work-study award.

If you have any questions concerning these forms, contact the Payroll Office at or 541-346-3151.

Initial Paycheck

The UO has a monthly pay cycle with the Off-Campus pay period being from the 13th to the 12th of the following month. You have the option of submitting a time sheet, along with a written request for a manual check to the Payroll Office after your student has worked for two weeks. Include your name, signature, email or telephone number along with any special mailing instructions or requests for direct deposit. All requests will be processed within three days of receipt of the time sheet. Note: Checks that are not retrieved within a week's time are mailed.

Direct Deposit

The UO is able to direct deposit both regular paychecks on payday and also any off-cycle manual checks. On the regular payroll at month's end, the funds are available in the student's account on payday. The direct deposit for manual checks takes a few days longer. If you submit a request for direct deposit of a manual check on Monday, the funds will be in the student's account on Thursday morning.

Hourly Rate Change

There are two options for requesting an hourly rate change: Send an e-mail to the Payroll Office at including the following: student name, UO ID, new hourly rate and effective date.

If you prefer, submit the Off-Campus Federal Work -Study Employment Form with the student's name and UO ID. Mark "Change" at the top of the form and enter the new hourly rate and effective date in the "To be completed by Off-Campus Employer" section.


A new Off-Campus Federal Work-Study Employment Form is required if a job end date was put on the initial employment form or if the student has not worked in six months.

Final Paycheck on Regular Payroll Cycle:

It is not necessary to notify the Payroll Office when your student is terminating employment if the final paycheck to the student will be paid on our next available payroll.

Final Paycheck - Special Handling:

If a student requests an early termination check, send the final time sheet and a request in writing to the Payroll Office at Your request should include your name, email or telephone number, and signature. Also, indicate any special mailing instructions if the student does not plan to pick-up the check or requests for direct deposit.

All manual termination checks will be ready within two working days of receipt of the time sheet in our office. Checks that are not retrieved within a week's time are mailed. Remember direct deposits takes a few extra days to process.

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Step 5. Monitor Federal Work-Study Award & Payroll Expense

Each month you will receive a report from the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships that shows your student employees' payroll history. It will include the student's Federal Work-Study award amount, wages paid to-date, and the remaining allotment. Please be aware that student's award amount can change, so monitor your monthly report carefully.

It is your responsibility to track your portion of the salary expense to the individual Federal Work-Study award. The UO will not process pay for hours worked that exceed a student's Federal Work-Study award. Your agency is responsible for direct payment of wages to a student who has performed services beyond the Federal Work-Study allotment. If you wish to retain the student employee after his/her Federal Work-Study is depleted, he or she must be placed on your agency's payroll.

If you have any questions please contact Kyna Burgett at (541) 346-1173,

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Step 6. Billing

Business Affairs (BA) is responsible for billing based on the formal agreement between the University of Oregon and your agency.

For agencies who require the UO's W-9 form, please click here.

Billing for Federal Work-Study accounts is done shortly after time entry is completed, approximately on the 20th of each month. Contact Holly Syljuberget at (541) 346-4340 or with questions about your invoice.

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Step 7. Annual Renewal of Federal Work Study Contract

Please submit the following documents to the Office of Financial Aid:

Agreements are effective from July 1st to June 30th of the following year. You must re-apply to renew your agreement. The Financial Aid Office will send you a renewal notice in April or May as a reminder.

An agreement signed by both UO and your agency must be in place before you hire and pay a student.

UO Off-Campus Employer Federal Work-Study Amendment (renewal) 

UO Federal Work-Study Renewal Request

Student Job Description

Please note: Summer Session spans two fiscal years and your contract must be renewed before July 1st in order to hire or pay a student past July 1st.

If you have questions about the renewal procedure, please call Kyna Burgett at (541) 346-1173,

Payroll Deadlines and Calendar

Payday is always the last working day of the month. Paychecks can be picked up at the UO Payroll office from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on weekdays, except Wednesdays when the office is open from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

MonthHire Documents DueTimesheet DuePayday
JanuaryJanuary 8January 16January 31
FebruaryFebruary 7February 13February 29
MarchMarch 7March 13March 29
AprilApril 5April 15April 30
MayMay 7May 13May 31
JuneJune 7June 13June 28
JulyJuly 8July 15July 31
AugustAugust 7August 13August 30
SeptemberSeptember 9September 13September 30
OctoberOctober 7October 14October 31
NovemberNovember 7November 13November 27
DecemberDecember 6December 13December 31
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Student Financial Aid and Scholarships

  • Initial Enrollment, Financial Aid Eligibility and Balances
  • Contract Status and Terms

Kyna Burgett at (541) 346-1173,
Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships
University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-1278

Business Affairs - Payroll Office

  • Time sheets
  • Hire documents
  • Paychecks

Payroll Office (541) 346-1108
Payroll Office
University of Oregon
PO Box 3237
Eugene, OR 97403-0237

Business Affairs - General Accounting

  • Billing and Payment Questions
Holly Syljuberget (541) 346-4340
Business Affairs
University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-0237

Career Center

  • Job Posting
jobs@uoregon.eduCareer Center
P.O. Box 3257
Eugene, OR 97403
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PurposeThis list is used for the UO Payroll office to communicate with off campus employers relating to Federal Work Study employment.
SubscribeFWS Employer list members are added by administrator, requests to be added to list should be directed to the UO Payroll Office.
PostOnly designated payroll staff can post messages to list.
UnsubscribeTo unsubscribe contact the UO Payroll Office.
QuestionsPlease direct any questions to UO Payroll Office.
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Quick References

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