University of Oregon Tax Information
University of Oregon Tax Identification Number and Duns#
The University of Oregon has one Federal Taxpayer Identification Number: 46-4727800
Oregon Business ID number (BIN): 1645579-2
Cage Code: 1L2V1
More information can be found at SPS website
Note: The UO Tax Exempt Letter is related to Income Tax. Some vendors will accept this for sales tax and lodging tax, but this is specific to each vendor.
Duns number to be used for UO payments: 079289626
UO has one Duns number that we conduct business under. Nobody should reactivate any other old numbers or request a new Duns number for the University of Oregon.
Tax information is based on the University’s current understanding of highly complex Internal Revenue Code and U.S. Treasury Department Code, regulations, and official guidance. It is provided for general informational purposes only. The University of Oregon does not provide tax advice. It is the responsibility of the individual to comply with federal and state tax regulations. Personal tax questions or concerns should be addressed to a qualified tax adviser. Business Affairs Tax Services 541-346-0782.
Our frequently used forms: