Business Affairs Access and Training

Banner 9 and Concur Training Check MyTrack for the next available training opportunities.

Visit My Track to see a calendar month view of training events.
To request access to Banner Finance or HR or AR please complete a User Profile Form

Banner 9 Training Database

Accessing the Banner 9 Training database is done most regularly in a classroom setting.  If you hae a need to access the training database outside a classroom setting, please contact BAO training for clearance, so as not to interfere with regularly scheduled training activities.

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Banner Access Form

Before specific system access can be granted the employee must complete a Business Application Access Request to get an account created.

Temp Agency Personnel

Generally temp agency personnel are not permitted to have a Banner account because there is no employee relationship and less accountability for the UO Code of Responsibility for Security and Confidentiality of Records and Files.

Student Employees

Student employee's can be trained and granted Banner query access. Students are generally not permitted to perform the following business functions:

  1. Invoice entry
  2. Travel reimbursement
  3. Time entry
  4. Student Account Updates
  5. Purchase Order entry

These functions are best performed by full time business professionals because:

  1. They commit university funds and have a complex set of rules and best practices,
  2. Are time sensitive and generate many questions, and
  3. Entail educating other faculty and staff about compliance issues.

Requesting Access

Employees with a legitimate business need can request specific access to Banner Finance, Human Resources or Accounts Recievable by completing the FIS/HRIS/AR User Profile Form which must be signed electronically by their Dean, Department Head or Director.  The employee must also register for, and participate in any required training.  See training requirements and contacts below.

How Access is Terminated

Every Thursday a job is run that locks BANNER accounts, terminates certain Duckweb roles and terminates IDR Cognos access if,

  1. the employee record was terminated in previous week and no Business Application Access Request received, or
  2. an OUS employee record was terminated in previous week and no Business Application Access Request received, or
  3. temporary or student employees have not been paid in 38 days and no Business Application Access Request received.

If the employee submits a new Business Application Access Request, the appropriate security officer(s) are notified.  They then review the user's access, modify it if their current job status warrants it, and notify the Information Services if the account should be unlocked.

Student employees lose their BANNER access unless they submit a new BAF to the Information Services by the second Monday of each new term.

When will access be granted?

Banner is used by UO employees to conduct the university's business, which includes processes involving student information, human resources, finance, budgets, accounts receivable, payroll, and financial aid. Generally training is required before Banner access is granted, with some noted exceptions.

Previous Training

If an employee participated in BAO training in the past and has performed the Banner job function (invoices, jvs, time entry, travel etc.) somewhere on campus within the past year, training is optional and access can be granted upon receipt of the User Profile form.

Compelling Business Need

Query access can be granted in advance of training in situations where there is a compelling business reason and a trained colleague or supervisor will provide on the job training. This access will be removed if the user fails to participate in BAO training.

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Introduction to Banner

Course Description: The Introduction to Banner Online Training Course is a pre-requisite to all other Banner FIS, HRIS or AR training.

Note: New employees must first claim their Duck ID using their UO ID number and Personal Access Code PAC.(Duck ID Self-Service)
Prerequisite: None
Duration: Approximately 1 hour to complete

FIS Invoice Processing

IS Overview (prerequisite for all other finance training)

Course Description: This course (formerly titled FIS Accounting Queries) will start you on your way to understanding the FIS accounting screens (and more). Through lecture and navigation practice, you will see general examples of the following topics:

  • Chart of Accounts Overview
  • Budget Status Queries
  • Transactions Detail
  • Document Text
  • High-level Summaries
  • Grant Balances
  • General Ledger Balances


Duration: Approximately 3.5 hours
Class Documents:

FIS Invoice Part 1

Course Description: How to create FIS invoices for paying vendor bills. How to find vendors; process "Special case" invoices and track completed invoices. This course only covers how to process "Direct" pay invoices; invoices that are originating from either a paper Purchase Order or no Purchase Order (for example, invoices for Office Depot that result from placing a phone order). This is the first of a two part course. The first session is self guided and directions will be provided to you before the session.

Note: This course does not cover how to create or pay FIS Purchase Orders or FIS Encumbrances created in Banner. Please see the course descriptions for the FIS Purchase Orders, FIS Invoices Pay Purchase Orders, and FIS Encumbrances training for more information on these courses. If you register for FIS Invoice Part 1, make sure to also register for FIS Invoice Part 2.
Prerequisites: Introduction to Banner and FIS Overview (Also strongly recommended: Procurement and Contracting for Goods and Services at UO)
Duration: This course consists of 2 sessions; each lasting 3 hours long with a 15 minute break.  The first session is self guided and directions will be provided to you before the session.
Class Documents for using the FAAINVE form:

FIS Invoice Part 2

Course Description: How to create FIS invoices for paying vendor bills. How to find vendors; process "Special case" invoices and track completed invoices. Second in a two part class.

*** Bring your handouts from FIS Invoices Part 1. ***

Note: This course does not cover how to create or pay FIS Purchase Orders or FIS Encumbrances created in Banner. Please see the course descriptions for the FIS Purchase Orders, FIS Invoices Pay Purchase Orders, and FIS Encumbrances training for more information on these courses.
Prerequisites: FIS Invoices, Part 1
Duration: This course consists of 2 sessions; each lasting 3 hours long with a 15 minute break
Class Documents:

FIS Journal Vouchers

Course Description: This course will teach you to enter FIS JV's for the U of O campus. It begins with an overview of JV's and JV accounting procedures. Then it takes you through multiple practice examples. The course also includes sections on tracking your JV's and how to get help.

Note: If you need training in Inter-institutional JV's, please contact Robbin Howard at 6-1115 or email at
Prerequisites: Introduction to Banner and FIS Overview
Duration: Approximately 2 hours and 45 minutes
Class Documents:

FIS Purchase Orders Part 1: PO Creation

Course Description: This is Part 1 of a 2-part course. Part 1 focuses on PO Creation (Part 2 focuses on PO Invoicing). The following topics will be covered in Part 1:

  • Purchase Order Overview
  • Creating On-line PO's
  • PO Printing
  • Billing and Shipping Information
  • Vendor Lookups
  • Tracking PO's
  • Canceling PO's

Note: If you register for FIS Purchase Orders Part 1, make sure to also register for FIS Purchase Orders Part 2.
Prerequisites: Introduction to Banner, FIS Overview, and FIS Invoices Part 1 and 2 (must also have graduated from Invoice training)
Duration: Approximately 2 hours and 45 minutes
Class Documents:

FIS Purchase Orders Part 2: PO Invoicing

Course Description: This is Part 2 of a 2-part course. Part 2 focuses on PO Invoicing (Part 1 focuses on PO Creation). This course will teach you to create FIS invoices for paying FIS purchase orders at the U of O. The following topics will be covered:

  • PO Payment Overview
  • Creating PO Payment Invoices
  • Adds and Changes
  • Tracking PO's
  • Partial vs Final Orders
  • Liquidating PO's with JV's

Note: This course is intended for employees paying invoices for on-line PO's created by themselves or their department.
Prerequisites: FIS Purchase Orders Part 1: PO Creation
Duration: Approximately 2 hours and 45 minutes
Class Documents:

FIS Advanced Accounting Queries

Course Description: This course is designed to share advanced knowledge of querying possibilities within FIS. It will show you how to see different views of your accounting through a deeper understanding of how FIS stores data.

Here are some of the examples we will show:

  • Querying on a single FOAPAL element (Orgn) rather than an Index
  • Finding out how many Indexes use any particular FOAPAL code
  • Getting a "net balance" for specific Fund/Orgn combinations
  • Using the Orgn code hierarchy form FTIORGH
  • Viewing hierarchy roll-ups on FWIBUDG
  • Seeing Level 1 and Level 2 summaries on FWIBUDG
  • Getting a "professor balance" using Orgn/Actv
  • Querying for "Budgeted Operations" balances
  • Using FGITBSR and Fund Type roll-ups
  • Tracking encumbrances
  • Seeing beyond Indexes in transactions history

Note: This is an advanced course that is only appropriate for those with several months experience in FIS accounting.
Prerequisites: Accounting Queries
Duration: Approximately 2 hours 45 minutes
Class Documents: Class Lesson Guide

FIS Encumbrances

Course Description: This course will teach you to create and liquidate FIS Encumbrances at the U of O. You will find encumbrances useful if you want to "set aside" money in certain accounts. This will make your Available Balance more accurate. Encumbrances can be automatically liquidated when invoices and JV's are done against these accounts. Encumbrances for restricted funds (2xxxxx, 3xxxxx, 4xxxxx) only, carry over at fiscal year end.

Prerequisites: Introduction to Banner, FIS Overview, FIS Journal Vouchers, and FIS Invoices Part 1 and 2
Duration: Approximately 2 hours 15 minutes
Class Documents:

Advanced Accounts Payable Queries

Course Description: In this course you will learn the following:

  • How to search for difficult vendors - FTIIDEN: Tips for more successful queries. Navigating through Terminated or Inactive Address messages.
  • How to query and look at the detail of a Banner invoice - FAIINVE:   Note:  This form allows query ONLY access. No changes can be made in this form.
  • How to  finding information about your payments - FWIVNDH:  Finding information about your payments and knowing when a check was issued, cashed, ACH/direct deposited or sent by wire transfer.
  • How to determine if multiple invoices were paid and how to produce printable payment history for the vendor.
  • How the Banner information is tied together - FOIDOCH:  Finding history for Banner documents by type.  Examples are I docs, POs or checks.

Class Documents:

Note: If you need additional information, or have any questions about this course please call Accounts Payable at 346-3126
Prerequisites: FIS Invoices Part 1 and 2.  It is recommended that you have 3 months of Banner experience
Duration: 2.0 hours
Instructor: Carmela Kortum (541) 346-3126,

Business Expense Guidelines

Course Description: In this course you will learn Federal, State, and University of Oregon rules for payments/reimbursements with emphasis on good payment documentation; awards and prizes; hosting and non-travel meals, refreshments and hospitality expenses.

Note: If you need additional information, or have any questions about this course please call Accounts Payable at 346-3126
Prerequisites: FIS User
Duration: 2 hours
Instructor: Carmela Kortum (541) 346-3126,

Account Code Overview and Queries (Financial Services under Chart of Accounts)

Account Code Primer

Fiscal Policy Manual Account Code Search - All Account Code Descriptions search (by code or description).  Access more detailed descriptions of account codes, when to use them, determine if account code is tax reportable.

IT (Information Technology) Account Codes - which account codes to use for IT software, equipment and maintenance services.

Common Account Code Mistakes

Talk to someone knowledgeable!

If you have more questions about account codes, please contact the following:

For account codes on invoices or POs - Carmela Kortum 6-3126For account codes on JVs or accounting queries - Robbin Howard 6-1115 For commodity codes information, contact Lynne Harrell 6-3220.

Commodity Code Queries (Financial Services under Chart of Accounts)

All Commodity Codes have been terminated effective July 17, 2024.  There is now only one Commodity Code 000 (All Commodities)


Department Deposit Form (TWADEPO)

Course Description: This course is hands on how to use TWADEPO Departmental Deposit form and is required to have access to TWADEPO form. Prerequisites: Introduction to Banner
Offering: Contact trainer to schedule
Duration: Approximately 1.5 hours
Class Documents: Training-Instructions
Instructor: Stacy Vigil 346-3155,

A/R Student Accounts (TSAAREV)

Course Description: This course provides instruction on query navigation and maintenance in Banner's TSAAREV form (Account Detail Review - Student). The TSAAREV form is part of Banner's Accounts Receivable Information System. The course is required in order to receive any access to the TSAAREV form. Users with both query only and query/maintenance needs are able to attend. The course will start with instruction on query navigation in TSAAREV and end with instruction on how to add or change charges/payments to Student Accounts. Any User with query only needs can leave the course after the query navigation piece is completed. Prerequisites: Introduction to Banner Online CourseClass
Documents: A/R Student Accounts Course Materials

HR Training

HRIS Overview

Course Description: This half day session for Payroll Administrators provides: a hands on system overview including navigation in several BANNER HRIS forms; familiarization with the BANNER Guide HRIS procedures and practice filling new HRIS paper forms in portable document format (SEF, EIF, PRF, PAA, PAW etc).


Duration: A half day session

Class Documents: Overview Handout

Employee Verification - PWIVERI

Course Description: A half hour on-site visit for employees whose work requires them to verify employee status using Banner form PWIVERI. A one-on-one session covering the use of PWIVERI to look up and find employee and job information using PWIVERI.

Prerequisites:Offering: Offered as requiredDuration: A half hour on-site visit

Time Entry

Course Description: This half day session for Payroll Administrators responsible for time entry provides:

  • Practice entering regular, premium and leave hours in PHAHOUR
  • Practice using the HRIS Roster, Timesheet, Time Entered, and Leave Balance reports
  • Refresher in using the new SEF, EIF, PRF and MCR paper forms
  • Refresher in using PWIVERI to review employee and job detail

Prerequisites: HRIS Overview

Duration: A half day session

Class Documents: Time Entry Handout

Payroll Redistribution - PHAREDS

Course Description: This two and one half hour session for departments wishing to use BANNER payroll redistribution form PHAREDS provides:


  • Hands on practice using PHAREDS
  • Review of the results using PWIFOAP and PWIEMPL
  • Review of related documentation
  • Assistance with real accounting adjustments that have been brought to class

Prerequisites: HRIS Overview

Duration: 2.5 hours

Class Documents: PHAREDS Handout

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Ecommerce Guide

Learn more about how to access and use the UO Ecommerce system.

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Travel Course Information



Lunchtime Travel Talk

Course Description: Each session will highlight a different batch of issues related to Concur and it's operation.

Duration: 1 hour
Location: Thompson University Center, Employee Education Lab, Rm 305
Instructor: Jody Bleisch

Travel Training

Explore the latest Travel/Concur training opportunities!
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Training Videos

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Training or Access Questions?

What courses do I need? For assistance with course placement contact Brian or Michael.
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Training Contacts

Training Contacts
Position Name Email Phone
FIS, HRIS, AR Training Coordinator Brian Strait 541-346-2387
FIS, HRIS, AR Training Coordinator Michael Walsh 541-346-1117
Trainer - Invoices, AP Queries, Business Expense Policy Carmela Kortum 541-346-3126
Trainer - FIS Overview, Journal Vouchers, Encumbrances Robbin Howard 541-346-1115
Trainer -HRIS Overview, Time Entry * * *
Trainer - Departmental Deposits Stacy Vigil 541-346-3155
Trainer - Student A/R Accounts Kathleen Brown 541-346-1196
Trainer - Payroll Redistributions, I9 Forms, International Hiring paperwork * * *
Trainer - Purchase Orders Stuart Mellor 541-346-7215
Trainer - Electronic Personnel Action Forms * * *