Account Code Primer

Account codes define the type of activity being recorded in a transaction such as revenue, expense, and transfers in the operating ledger and assets, liabilities, and fund balance in the general ledger.

Knowledge of account codes is important for both reporting on accounting data and for entering financial transactions into the system. It also allows Business Affairs time to review purchasing information and trends. Some commonly used account code groups are listed below.

Account Code Type Description
0XXXX Revenue To record revenue for sales, services, rentals, and fines to customers outside the UO. Generally used when making a deposit through Cashiers.
09XXX Internal Revenue To record revenue for internal sales and services provided to other UO departments.
1XXXX Payroll To record payroll expense. Generally used only through the payroll sysytem.
2XXXX General Expense To record expense for services and supplies.
3XXXX Travel Expense To record travel expense.
4XXXX Capital Expense (Non-Proprietary) To record capital outlay (purchase or construction) for non-expendable personal property and real property from non-proprietary funds.
5XXXX Student Aid To record expense related to scholarships, fellowships, grants-in-aid, waivers of fees and participant support for UO students.
6XXXX Merchandise for Resale To record the purchase of merchandise for resale.
70XXX Indirect Costs To record indirect costs.
79XXX Internal Sales Reimbursements To record internal sales reimbursements for sales and services from the General Fund (001100) and the ICC Credits Fund (001700) to other UO departments.
8XXXX Student Loan-Related Expense To record student loan fund receipts and expenditures for loan funds. BA use only.
9XXXX Transfers To move cash between funds when there is not an exchange transaction. Also used to move fund balance created by prior year's activity.
A8XXX Capital Expense (Proprietary) To record capital outlay (purchase or construction) for non-expendable personal property and real property from proprietary funds.
Major Categories

 Supplies (20XXX)
Communications & Postage and Shipping (220XX & 225XX)
Facilities & Utilities Related (230XX, 233XX, 235XX, and 240XX)
Fees and Services (245XX-249XX)
Conferences, Entertainment, etc. (286XX)Travel (393XX-397XX)
Summary of Tax Reportable Account Codes (various)