Finance and Accounting: FAQs
What are FOAPAL elements?
FOAPAL is an acronym for the six chart of accounts elements used to process financial data (Fund, Organization, Account, Program, Activity, Location). Transactions in the Operating Ledger (OPAL) require fund, organization, account, and program, sometimes referred to as FOAP. Transactions in the General Ledger require only fund and account. All of the elements, with the exception of activity codes, are hierarchical and roll up from lower data entry levels to higher summary levels.
Banner: How can I get my document back to make a change or add text?
If a journal voucher has been completed and doesn't need to go through an approval queue, it can't be retrieved to make changes or additions. If an approval queue is involved (as with amounts > $5,000, grants and general ledger account codes), you can call the person in charge of the approval queue and have that person disapprove the journal voucher. Then you will be able to go into the journal voucher and make desired changes.
If an invoice has been completed, as with journal vouchers, you will only be able to go into it if it goes to an approval queue and the person in charge of the approval queue (Diane Carl at 6-4235 or Carmela Kortum at 6-3126) disapproves it. However, with invoices there is another option. If the invoice has already been approved, you can call Accounts Payable (6-3143) and have the invoice cancelled if that is the best option. Then you can start again with a fresh invoice.
New lines of text may be added to a completed document using Banner form FOATEXT. Go to this screen,enter the type of document and the document number, and then use the down arrow key to access a new line.
Add your name, telephone number, and the date, and then add the desired new text. Adding text in this way will not affect the original document.
How do I find my fund's cash balance?
Finding a cash balance is useful for self-support funds: 05xxxx (designated operating funds), 060xxx (unrestricted gifts), 065xxx (invention/royalty funds), 09xxx (service departments), 1xxxxx (auxiliaries, vending funds), and 4xxxxx (gifts, scholarships). Use the Banner form FGITBAL to see a fund's Cash on Hand balance.