EPAF – Job Title Change

This transaction allows departments to submit job title changes electronically.  Once the EPAF has been submitted, it will be routed to the HR Operations approval queue.  After HR has approved it, it will then go on to Payroll to be applied to Banner.  In order to use the electronic approval system, you must complete the Electronic Approval training course that is offered by Payroll every month. Sign up through MyTrack


  • Log into Banner.
  • Go to Banner form NOAEPAF.
  • Enter the UO ID of the employee you are changing the job title for in the ID field.
  • Either skip the Transaction field or delete a previous transaction number if it exists.
  • Enter the effective date of the job title change in the Query Date field.  This date must be after the last paid date.
  • Input TITLE in the Approval Category field and tab.  The Approval Type field will automatically populate with HRTITLE.
  • Either enter the position and suffix of the employee you are making the job title change for OR select the correct position and suffix from the list of employees jobs (NBIJLST) which appears when you click on the upside down triangle icon next to the Position field.
  • Once all of the header fields have been populated, click the "Next Block" icon or control+page down into the next block.
  • Enter the new Jobs Effective Date, Personnel Date, and Title in the New Value column of the Transaction tab.  The Jobs Effective Date has to be after the last paid date but the Personnel Date does not have the same restriction so if the actual change date is prior to the last paid date, you can accurately reflect that in the Personnel Date field.
  • You can add notes for HR in the Other Information and Comments tab.
  • Save your transaction by clicking on the file icon, which is located in the upper left hand corner OR use the F10 key.
  • Click on the menu item "Options" and then click "Submit Transaction".  The Transaction Status will change to "Pending" once it has been submitted. 
  • If it remains in "Waiting" status after you have submitted the transaction, there is most likely an error that needs to be fixed before it can be submitted.  Errors can be found by selecting "Errors or Warnings Detail Form" from the Options menu.  You will have to either click the "Next Block" icon or control+pagedown to see what the error is.
  • The most common error is using an effective date that is before the last paid date.  If this is your error, change the date in the Jobs Effective Date field on the Transaction Tab.  Save (F10) and submit.

When you use the electronic approval system, the transaction can be tracked by looking at the Routing tab in NOAEPAF. 

If you have any questions, please contact the Payroll Office at payroll@uoregon.edu or 6-3151.