This form is used to request input of earn codes to employee’s time records by payroll staff during the monthly time entry window. General uses of the form are as follows:
One-time additional payments up to $500 (for part-time employees)
Earn Code ONB (Other Unclassified Pay, account 10209) No benefits or leave accruals.
Additional hours paid to salaried part-time nonexempt employees
Departments may deem it appropriate to occasionally pay additional hours to salaried part-time employees. Additional hours up to 40 hours worked in a week must be processed at straight-time using the earn code OAP on the ERF form, account 10102 or 10103.
Generally used to pay a one-time event. Usually involves late paperwork. To expedite timely payment, payroll will not set up a secondary job and will enter the earn code on the student’s time record for another department. Procedure: submit MCR with attached SEF (Student Employment Form).
To pay overtime (Department does not have access to timesheet org)
Earn codes OTM (Current) or OTP (Prior Month with Special Rate)
Approval to pay has been authorized by Human Resources.