Electronic Approvals – EPAF

Electronic Personnel Action Forms or EPAF's allow for certain transactions to be originated and routed electronically through Banner.  There are a number of transaction types that departments can utilize once they have completed the training and gained access.  These transactions are automatically routed to pre-assigned approver levels, which represent electronic signatures.  EPAF's allow users to check on the status of their transactions at any time, locating exactly where it is in the approval queue.

In order to gain access to the EPAF forms, you must first submit an FIS/HRIS User Profile form requesting access to Electronic Approvals.  After the form has been submitted, sign up and attend one of the monthly EPAF training courses offered by the Payroll Office.  You can sign up through MyTracks.

  • Originator - The person who enters the transaction into Banner form NOAEPAF.
  • Department Approver - Some transactions require departmental approval before it can be routed to Payroll.  This is someone in the department that has authority to make payroll decisions.  They cannot be the originator.
  • Payroll Approver - The payroll specialist within the Payroll Office who reviews the transaction for accuracy before it is applied to the database.
  • Applier - The person who is responsible for running the process that applies the approved transactions to the database.
  • Proxy - The person who can act on behalf of the department approver in the event they are unable to review and approve transactions themselves.  It is a best practice to have a proxy so transactions don't get caught in an approval queue for lengths of time while people are out of the office.
  • FYI - A person who is notified of the transaction but does not take any action.
  • Approve - Choose this action if you approve and agree with the values in the transaction.  Once it is approved, it will move to the next approver/applier in the designated route.
  • Disapprove - Choose this action if you do not approve or agree with the values in the transaction and you do not wish to have any further action taken.  Please include a comment explaining the reason for the disapproval in the comments block of NOAEPAF.
  • Return for Correction - Choose this action if you do not approve or agree with the values in the transaction and you would like the originator to make corrections.  Please include a comment explaining the action you want the originator to take in the comments block of NOAEPAF.

Labor Distribution Changes For All Employee Classes


Student Employee Rate Increases


Student Employee Rehires


Student Employee Terminations


Temporary Employee Terminations


Job Title Changes


Supervisor Updates


This is the status of the transaction itself.

  • Waiting - The transaction has been initiated but not submitted.
  • Pending - The transaction has been submitted by the originator and is pending review by the approver.
  • Approved - The transaction has been approved by the approver.
  • Disapproved - The transaction has been disapproved by the approver.
  • Complete - The transaction has been submitted and approved by all approvers in the routing queue.
  • Applied - All approvals in the routing queue are complete and Payroll has applied the transaction to the database.
  • Void - The transaction has been voided.

This is the status of the transaction as it pertains to the person looking at it.  This would be someone who has been designated as an originator, approver, or applier for that particular transaction type.

  • Pending - The transaction is pending in your queue and needs to be reviewed.
  • Approved - The transaction has been approved by you and has moved on to the next step in the routing queue.
  • Disapproved - The transaction has been disapproved by you and no further action can be taken.
  • In the queue - The transaction is back in the routing queue and is waiting for the next aproval level.
  • Return for Correction - The transaction was returned to the originator for corrections.
  • Void - The transaction has been voided.

Warnings - Warnings allow the transaction to continue and process successfully.

Errors - Error messages will prevent the originator from submitting the transaction until those errors have been fixed.

The errors and warnings detail from (NOIEMSG) displays errors and/or warnings generated when an EPAF is submitted in the NOAEPAF form.  There are a couple of ways that you can navigate to NOIEMSG.  First, if you receive an error message when you go to submit the transaction you can select the "Errors and Warnings Detail Page" from the Options drop down menu at the top of the NOAEPAF form.  The other way to access the form is to go directly into it from the main Banner page.  If you go into the form this way, you will need to know the transaction number of the EPAF you want to see the errors for.  Once you are in NOIEMSG, you will need to Control + Page Down or Next Block to view the messages.

Common Error Messages

  • "*ERROR* Eff date must be greater that last paid date of DD-MON-YYYY" - Banner will not allow you to create a new job effective date that is before the last paid date.  For example, if an employee had already been paid for February 2018, then a last paid date of 28-FEB-2018 would be attached to their job record.  Banner will not allow any transactions to be created with an effective date prior to 01-Mar-2018.  If you get this error, you will need to change the effective date on the transaction before moving forward.
  • "*ERROR* The future dated record must be deleted before ending job" - This error generally occurs when you are trying to submit a termination transaction and there is already a termination date on the job.  You will need to contact the Payroll Office payroll@uoregon.edu or 6-3151 to remove the future dated record and then you can proceed with the EPAF.
  • "*ERROR* Date cannot be after the base job end date of DD-MON-YYYY" - You would get this error if you were trying to create a new record with an effective date that was after the job termination date.
  • "*ERROR* You do not have a route declared for this category.  Please contact the Payroll Office" - You will get this error message if you have not been granted access to this particular transaction type.  You will need to contact the Payroll Office at payroll@uoregon.edu or 6-3151.