Payroll: May Triple Deduction
Each year in May, the Payroll Office processes triple benefit deductions for benefit eligible 9-month, academic year employees who are continuing their employment with the university through next fall. The triple deduction process adds two extra premiums to the normal deductions in the month of May, to provide benefits coverage for the months of June, August, and September. The normal deductions in June cover July benefits. The triple deduction process ensures that there is continuous coverage in the summer for this group of employees.
Employees who are separating or retiring from the university in May or June, and not returning Fall Term at any FTE, are not eligible for the May Triple Deduction process. Career Faculty members who are currently benefits eligible and receiving 90-days' layoff notice on June 16 should NOT be included on your spreadsheet.
Note: Retirees who are on a 9-month post retirement appointment may be eligible for the triple deduction if they are:
- Working Spring Term, and
- Expected to return in the Fall, at any FTE
What information do I need to send to the Payroll Office?
Only send an Excel spreadsheet of academic year employees in your department who are separating or retiring in May or June and not returning in the fall at any FTE. If any of these employees continue working in the summer, the Payroll Office will need to know the details of the summer appointments. This is because employees who work over half-time in summer are still eligible for benefits during the months they are working.
It is very important to include the summer appointment dates, along with appointment percentages, for faculty. Normal benefit coverage continues for these employees if they work over half the month at a 50% appointment. Depending on when the summer appointment ends, these employees may have a single, double, or triple deduction in May.
Please send a spreadsheet that includes the following:
- Name
- E-Class
- Position Number
- Suffix
- Summer Appointment Dates (if any)
- Summer Appointment FTE %
- Comments
Spreadsheet Deadline: Wednesday, May 11th
0Note: Due to the rule of rescission of coverage, the Payroll Office won't able to reverse premiums paid for the prior month.
How to send your spreadsheet
You may send your spreadsheet by e-mail to the Payroll Office at
May Triple process – Elisabeth Howe at
Benefits Coverage – HR Benefits Office at
Sample Spreadsheet for employees who are ineligible for May triple deductions
Department: Biology |
Contact: Freida Jones |
Phone Number: 6-7777 |
Banner ID | Employee Name | E-Class | Post No./Suffix | Summer Appt./Dates | Summer Appt. FTE | Comments |
950-xx-xxxx | May, Cindy | CE | B98554 / 00 | none | Not returning in the fall due to retirement. | |
950-xx-xxxx | Nelson, John | UA | B98554 / 00 | none | Not returning in the fall due to separation. | |
950-xx-xxxx | Summer, Joy | UA | B55544 / 01 | 6/24-8/15 | .5 FTE | Not returning in the fall, but working during the summer. |
950-xx-xxxx | Dual, Darlene | UA | B65432 / 00 | none | Works 2 jobs, not retuning to Biology in fall, but will return to other dept in fall. | |
950-xx-xxxx | Jones, Vic | UA | B33246 / 01 | none | Works 2 jobs 12 & 9 month not returning to 9 month post. |
Which deductions will be tripled?
In addition to medical and dental deductions, other deductions that are tripled in the month of May included the following:
- Basic Life
- Employee Pre and Post tax Life Insurance
- PEBB Employee 3%/5% Pre-Tax Premium
- PEBB Surcharges
- PEBB Medical Plan Opt Out
- $40 Subsidy
- PEBB, Incentive for HEM
- Spouse Life Insurance
- AD&D Insurance - Employee & Family
- Dependent Life Insurance
- Minnesota Mutual Insurance
- Long Term Care Insurance - employee & Spouse/Partner
- SEIU Life Insurance
- SEIU Legal Insurance Plan
The following deductions will be excluded from the May Triple process.
- Long & Short Term Disability Insurance
- Tax Deferred Investments
- Flex Spending Accounts - dependant care and medical
- Union Dues, Fairshare, or other dues
- Charitable Fund Drive
- Parking Permit
The above deductions are only taken in the months when employees receive pay, excluded from wages earned in July and August (summer months).
In May, what hours for part-time academic year classified are used to generate benefit contributions?
The hours reported on the time and attendance report from mid-April to mid-May and paid on the May payroll determine the proration for summer medical and dental coverage for part-time classified employees on a split month pay period.
For salaried part-time academic year classified employees, time and attendance reporting is on a monthly basis, not a mid-month to mid-month basis. This means May hours reported on the May payroll will determine the proration for the summer months.
In May, what will the contribution for academic year unclassified staff and full-time academic year classified employees be based on?
The contribution, medical, dental and the other deductions listed above will be tripled.
Will a 9 month employee that has elected to participate in the 12 month pay option get a triple deduction?
Example scenarios that help explain benefit eligibility:
Q. Sally Summer is a professor who is working at .5O FTE spring term and will be going on LWOP fall term. Should I include her name on my list?
A. No, Sally’s name would not be put on the spreadsheet. Even though she is going on LWOP fall term, she will still employed by the University and did not resign her position the end of spring term. Therefore, she is eligible for summer coverage.
Q. Fred Fall, an instructor on a fixed term appointment, is working at .75 FTE spring term. He is returning to the university in the fall, but will be working at .30 FTE. Should I put his name on my list?
A. No, it does not matter what Fred’s FTE will be in the fall when he returns. He is still entitled to benefits in the summer because he did not resign his position at the end of spring term. However when he returns to work in the fall, he may still be eligible for benefits under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) regardless of his reduced FTE.
Q. Husband and wife, Cindy Winter, a classified employee, and John Winter, an unclassified, employee both work half time and are resigning their positions at the university on June 15th and will not be working at the UO in the summer. They have decided to not return in the fall. Should I include their names on my spreadsheet?
A. Yes, their names should be included on your spreadsheet because they are resigning their positions in June and are not returning in the fall.
Q. George Green is a full-time unclassified employee who is not returning in the fall. He is working a summer position through August 15th. Should I list him on my spreadsheet?
A. Yes, he should be listed on your spreadsheet along with the summer appointment and the summer FTE.
Note: depending on when the employee’s appointment ends in the summer, the employee will either receive a triple deduction in May or a double deduction in June.
Q. Joe Retired is retiring June 15th from his position at the university and is not working a summer appointment. He will be returning in the fall to a post-retirement appointment at .50 FTE. Should I list him on my spreadsheet?
A. No, Joe should not be listed on your spreadsheet because he is returning Fall Term. He is eligible for and should receive the triple deduction.
Q. Ed Emeritus has a post-retirement appointment for spring term at .50 FTE and won’t be back in the fall. Should I include his name on my list?
A. Yes, Ed's name should be included on the spreadsheet because he is not returning in the fall.
Note: He may be eligible for continuation of benefits under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The Benefits Office will review and notify the department if Ed meets ACA eligibility requirements. Information on ACA eligibility is available online at:
Q. Darlene Dual has two positions with the university. She is employed in my department at .50 FTE and another department at a .25 FTE. She will not be returning to my department in the fall, but she will be working in the other department. Should I list her on my spreadsheet?
A. Yes, you should list her on your spreadsheet and explain that she will not be employed in your department in the comment section. She will still be eligible for the triple because she is returning to the university in the fall in the other position. If she does not return to either position in the fall, she would not be eligible for the triple in May. On the sample spreadsheet she is listed twice showing both scenarios.
Q. Vincent Vacation has two jobs; a 9-month academic year position in our department and a 12-month position in another department. Our 9-month position ends in June. Should I list him on our spreadsheet?
A. When an employee has two positions that are 9-month and 12-month, the benefits are based on whichever job is primary (has the higher FTE). If both jobs have a .50 FTE, the 12-month position is primary job for benefit purposes and there will be no need for a triple deduction. You will not list this employee on your spreadsheet.