Surplus Equipment & Disposal

Property Control coordinates the Surplus Equipment Exchange, e-waste, and equipment disposal authorization for UO. As an institution with federal and state grants and gifted income sources, we ensure that all applicable disposal policies and restrictions are followed in a safe, ethical, expedient, environmentally friendly and cost-effective manner.

All capital assets require notification to Property Control if they are moved, and approval by Property Control to be disposed. Large non-capital items such as most furniture is to be picked up via work order by Facilities Services. Any useable equipment should first be listed on the Surplus Equipment Exchange for other departments to claim, before anything is offered for sale, donation, or permanent disposal. Any IT equipment with a storage device containing medium to high-risk data must be sanitized before being transferred to another user. Equipment picked up for e-waste will be wiped by our staff. Read more on IT Sanitization Procedures.

Departments are not authorized to sell or donate ANY UO Property, or to dispose of capital equipment, without prior written approval from Property Control. The donation of equipment to individuals (including employees) or for-profit organizations is prohibited.

Disposal Types

Surplus Exchange Website

Any unwanted functioning equipment is to be first offered to UO departments through the Surplus Equipment Exchange. Items listed here can include a sales price. When a transfer of equipment between departments includes financial compensation, Property Control can assist departments with the completion of a journal voucher (JV) in Banner. Surplus offerings are only for university business use, not personal.

Do not remove any UO property tags from capital equipment. Any capital assets acquired by surplus still carry the responsibility of tracking and inventorying. As such, the originating department must report location and department changes of capital assets to An Asset Maintenance Form may be used for multiple assets. If there is no interest in your items after a minimum 7 days, you may proceed to another disposal method.


E-Waste is generally defined as anything that plugs in or runs on a battery that is non-functioning, unwanted, or obsolete.

All e-waste is to be itemized on a Property Disposition Request (PDR), including any UO capital asset numbers (or serial numbers for anything you think could be capital). After the PDR is processed and approved by Property Control, Facilities Services will be in contact with you to schedule a time for pickup. Do not remove any UO property tags from equipment that is being picked up. Property stickers are removed and data is cleansed according to the sanitization standards upon arrival at the e-waste warehouse. This e-waste program is available free of charge to departments.

Sponsored Projects Equipment

Please contact Property Control prior to the sale or disposal of any grant, bond, or other agency-funded equipment, and we will work with Sponsored Project Services or Treasury to gain the appropriate approvals. Equipment submitted for e-waste pickup on a Property Disposition request will automatically notify Property Control; it is important to correctly list capital asset numbers on that form.

Property purchased with federal grant funds is conditionally owned by UO and is subject to the requirements of the specific grant or contract making the purchase, the granting agency and Uniform Guidance Title 2 Code of Federal Regulations Grant Agreements (2 CFR Part 200). Failure to comply could result in a loss of funding. All related sponsored project equipment records are to be retained for 3 years after the disposal of equipment (UO RSS II.06).

Furniture & Supplies Work Order

If furniture is unclaimed on the surplus website or in a bad condition, a work order should be submitted to Facilities Services for routing to the surplus furniture warehouse for sorting. Some furniture, art, and antiques are capital assets that will require approval from Property Control for disposal. Some surplus office supplies and clothes may be donated to the R.O.S.E. Room. Please refer to UO Zero Waste Surplus Handling Materials Guide for other items.

Refrigerators & Hazardous Materials

Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) collects hazardous materials in several categories for disposal, treatment, or recycling for all UO departments. Refrigerators and freezers used in lab spaces must first be cleared by EHS. They are not permitted to be recycled through standard routes. See Refrigerator, Freezer, and other Refrigeration Unit Disposal Guide for more information.


Property Control is authorized to donate UO surplus property to state agencies, municipalities, public universities, and most non-profit organizations. The process to donate will be handled directly by Property Control on a case-by-case basis. If you know of a specific non-profit group that may be interested in UO surplus property you will need to communicate that to us. A Donation Form will need to be completed and signed with Department Head approval. Property Control reviews IRS letter verification of eligible status for any non-profit entities. Departments should not promise any donations without approval from Property Control.

Employees or an employee's family should not be involved in the decision making regarding the donation of university property if said persons are closely affiliated with the non-profit.

In the case that a PI moves to another institution, they are generally allowed to transfer related research equipment with them, especially if the equipment is a part of a federal project tied to that researcher. The PI will need to list this equipment, gain department head approval, then have Property Control sign off. The department or the receiving institution will be responsible for arranging the shipment of equipment.


If a capital asset is non-functional, obsolete, or in some way more useful for its parts, departments are allowed to salvage useable parts for other equipment. A Certification of Asset Disposal must be submitted to Property Control to check for any disposal restrictions and then remove the asset from Banner Fixed Assets.

Vendor Exchanges or Returns

Defective capital equipment can be returned or exchanged under the vendor or manufacturer warranty - a process sometimes called a "return merchandise authorization" (RMA). If this happens:

  1. Notify Property Control
  2. Acquire appropriate return documentation from the vendor
  3. A JV may be required in Banner to show the refund credit (do not rely on Duck Depot generating this for you).
  4. A new tagging appointment may be set, and depreciation may be restarted.

A trade-in involves the disposal of equipment, with a value given by the vendor towards the purchase of new equipment. Departments should perform a cost-benefit analysis to determine if the credit received outweighs other possible value to the university.

  1. Contact the vendor for a trade-in quote.
  2. Request approval with Property Control by identifying the asset and forwarding the quote.
  3. Upon approval, complete the trade-in process with the vendor.
  4. Submit a Certification of Asset Disposal form to record the disposal of the old asset and trade-in value.
  5. Items acquired utilizing a trade-in credit will be capitalized at their full value, not at the reduced amount.
  6. If the new item meets capital requirements, Property Control will proceed as usual with the tagging process.
Sale Options

All items must be listed on the Surplus Equipment Exchange for a minimum of 7 days before being offered for sale. You may list a purchase price on your surplus listing.

All surplus equipment will be sold on a public platform. Exceptions will be reviewed by Property Control and the AVP for Business Affairs on a case-by-case basis.

For online sales, Property Control is responsible for posting ads and will work with a department representative to obtain equipment specifics and negotiate a sales price. Once posted, Property Control provides the department with a link and forwards communication from interested parties (a person my reply to the ad in order to be considered a potential buyer). The department should then contact potential buyers on a first-come first-served basis and will coordinate the pickup logistics with the buyer. A Bill of Sale will need to be signed by the buyer to document the transaction. Property Control will need to be notified of the sale to remove the posting and will assist with related accounting entries. Any funds generated from the sale will be directed back to the department.

Vehicle sales are subject to the same rules. They are usually either sold at auction or scrapped, depending on the functionality of the asset. Business Affairs will oversee the title transfer process.

Department Surplus Sales: Departments may conduct Surplus Sales of bulk minor equipment (such as clothes, furniture, supplies, etc.). A Department Surplus Sale Plan should be completed and submitted to Property Control for review prior to conducting any sales.

Sale conditions: No current or former employee or agent for such will be granted any benefit or opportunity not also granted to the general public in acquisition of items through the disposal process. Members of the general public may participate as buyers at public sales. No employee whether full-time, part-time, temporary or unpaid volunteer, of the Department, member of the employee's household, the employee's immediate family, or any person acting on the employee's behalf may participate in public sales if the employee has had any role in declaring the item surplus, processing the item or related paperwork, or offering it for sale.

All property is conveyed "AS-IS, WHERE-IS" with no warranty, express or implied, of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, or any other warranties or guarantees. A purchaser or disappointed bidder will have no recourse against the State of Oregon, the University of Oregon, an institution, or any of their officers, employees, or agents. All sales will be final. Department assets will remain secured in the department until the buyer has taken custody.

Damaged or Destroyed

Departments must report all incidents resulting in equipment damage or destruction to Risk Management for insurance purposes. Equipment damage or destruction resulting from suspected criminal activity is to be reported to UOPD, or local law enforcement if the incident occurred away from a UO campus. If any capital equipment is significantly damaged, please notify Property Control or submit a Property Disposition Request and include the UO asset numbers. Vehicles that are considered a total loss are to be sold as-is at public auction.

Stolen, Lost, or Unauthorized Disposals

Departments must report all incidents of stolen or lost equipment in accordance with Risk Management procedures and contact UOPD or local law enforcement if the incident occurred away from a UO campus. Stolen or lost capital equipment should be reported to Property Control.

Departments are not authorized to sell or give away ANY UO Property, or to dispose of capital equipment without prior written approval from Property Control. Transfers of equipment to individuals or for-profit organizations are prohibited.

Capital assets not found on inventories will be subject to an investigation by Property Control, and departments will be expected to produce records pertaining to the issue. A Certification of Asset Disposal form is used for capital assets that have gone missing, or which were disposed without official record or authorization.