Questions: 541-346-3170
Student Billing (Fax): 541-346-6049

Staff Group: Student Billing-Student Billing

BA Administration: AVP Office
Position Name Email Phone Functions
Associate Vice President Kelly Wolf 541-346-3165

Associate Vice President for Business Affairs and Controller

HR and Business Operations Manager Holly Syljuberget 541-346-4340

Hiring, Budget, office operations

Assistant to the AVP C.J. Nelson 541-346-0398

Assistant to the AVP, BA Travel Coordinator,
Executive Support Specialist

Financial Services
Position Name Email Phone Functions
Director Eddie Roberts 541-346-1116
Information Systems
Position Name Email Phone Functions
System Administration Jody Bleisch 541-346-1102
System Administration Michael Clark 541-346-2030
Web Application Development Joseph Muennich 541-346-3144
Director Mark McCulloch 541-346-6249
Site Administrator Paul Naylor 541-346-0814
Banner Training Brian Strait 541-346-2387

Billing Account

Important Information:

  • March 4 - Tuition charges post to student billing accounts
  • March 17 - Spring billing statements available in QuikPay
  • March 21 - Financial aid begins posting to student billing accounts
  • March 28 - Financial aid refunds are available
  • April 1 - Spring term bills are due

Common Activities

Forms and Guides

Related Resources

Refund Distribution Schedule

Effective Date is Checks are produced and mailed Direct Deposit is in your account
Monday Tuesday afternoon Wednesday morning
Tuesday Thursday afternoon Friday morning
Wednesday Thursday afternoon Friday morning
Thursday Tuesday afternoon Wednesday morning
Friday Tuesday afternoon Wednesday morning
Saturday Tuesday afternoon Wednesday morning
Sunday Tuesday afternoon Wednesday morning

During the first two weeks of the term, Direct Deposits are issued every day. Financial Aid refund checks will be mailed as listed above.

If you have any questions, please contact the Student Billing Office at or (541) 346-3170.

Effective Date is

Returned Checks and Electronic Payments

Returned checks and electronic payments returned due to non-sufficient funds or closed accounts are subject to a $20 handling fee. If you receive a notice of a returned check or returned electronic payment from your bank, please contact Student Billing.

If the payment was made in order to remove a registration block, we may cancel your registration for the term and place a block on your student billing account to prevent future registration until you have replaced the returned check or returned electronic payment with certified funds.

Official Tuition Receipts

An Official Tuition Receipt is a letter written by the University of Oregon as proof that the students tuition and/or fees have been paid in full. It is produced on University of Oregon letterhead and has our official seal on it. Students can request an Official Tuition Receipt through the Student Billing Department located on the first floor of Thompson University Center (TUC). Requests usually take 2-3 business days. Students can choose to pick them up in person or have them mailed. If an Official Tuition Receipt is not needed, a print-out of the account can be provided to the student or the student can print out his or her account through Duckweb.

Canadian Tuition Receipt (TL11A) is similar to an Official Tuition Receipt and is calculated in U.S. funds. A Canadian tuition receipt (TL11A) can be requested by providing the UO ID number, the tax year requested, and the mailing address.Requests usually take up to 6 business days. Students can choose to pick them up in person or have them mailed.

Requesting an Official Tuition Receipt:

In person at:

Student Billing Department
1st floor
Thompson University Center (TUC)

Mail in an Official Tuition Receipt request to:

University of Oregon Tuition Receipt
PO Box 3237
Eugene, OR 97403-0237

Fax: (541) 346-6049
Phone: (541) 346-3170


Tuition & Mandatory Fees
Tuition and mandatory fees are due at the beginning of each term and must be paid in full by the due date to avoid interest and billing fees. 
How much will it cost?
Mandatory Fee Descriptions
Differential Tuition

Matriculation Fee
A matriculation fee is a one-time fee that all admitted students pay at the beginning of their first term.

Undergraduate International Student Fee
More information

Tuition & Course Fee Refunds and Penalties
Tuition and Fee penalties are assessed when credit hours are reduced after the 7th calendar day of the term. The penalty is a percentage of the tuition and/or fees owed on the classes for which the student was registered. Please view the refund schedule for dates and percentages of penalties.
Reduction of Credits Refund Schedule
Complete Withdrawal Refund Schedule

Resident Hall Room & Board
Room & Board charges are assessed by the term. Residence halls rates

Health Center Charges
If the student has private insurance, the University Health Center will provide the student with an itemized bill which the student can send to the insurance company to pay for services received at the University Health Center. The student must request the itemized statement from the Health Center. Health insurance information

Parking Fines
Please view: Department of Transportation Services Citations

University Apartments and Family Housing
Monthly rental charges are assessed on the student account on or about the 10th of each month and are due on the 1st of the following month.
Please check the University Housing webpage for more information on Family Housing.

Online Course Fee
More information

Course Fees
Course Fees cover instruction-related services such as materials consumed by a student as a part of the course or required field trip costs.

Self-Support Classes
Self-support courses have a fee attached to them in lieu of regular tuition charges. Fees for these classes are listed in the class schedule.

Library Fines
Overdue fines are assessed for materials which are returned or renewed past the due date. The amount of the fine is calculated when material is returned.

The University of Oregon Bookstore is a separate entity; therefore, books and supplies will not appear on the student's billing account.

FSL Administrative Fee
Fraternity and Sorority Life Fee.  More information.


FAQs Student Billing Account

How are student billing accounts established?

Upon admittance to the University of Oregon a student billing account is established in the student's name. This account is used for most charges incurred at the university. All students are sent a Revolving Charge Agreement that explains the terms and conditions of the account.

What is the Revolving Charge Agreement?

The Billing Account Terms and Conditions lists the terms and conditions of the billing account including interest rate, billing fee, and payment terms. It must be read and accepted by all students.

What type of charges will be reflected on the student billing account?

Most charges that a student incurs on campus will be reflected on the student billing account. These charges include, but are not limited to:

  • Tuition
  • Parking Fines
  • Mandatory Fees
  • Health Center Charges
  • Matriculation Fee
  • Library Fines
  • Room & Board
  • Course Fees
  • Tuition & Fee Penalties
  • Self Support Course

Please note that the UO Duck Store (bookstore) is a separate entity. Therefore, charges for textbooks will not be applied to the student acount.

What does the term 'Tuition and Fees' mean?

Tuition refers to the instruction fee only. Fees refer to all other mandatory enrollment fees. More information on tuition and fees can be found here.

What is the Matriculation Fee?

The Matriculation Fee is a one-time fee charged to newly admitted students upon enrollment. More information

Can the Mandatory Fees or other fees be reduced or waived if students do not use some of the services?

Services covered by Mandatory Fees (such as Incidental Fees and Health Service Fee) are non-refundable. Students are required to pay them even if they do not use the services they cover. Under some circumstances, some fees (such as the Undergraduate Admission Application Fee) may be deferred for later payment. Contact the Office of Admissions for more information regarding the application fee deferral.

Who should be contacted for information on Health Center charges on the student billing account?

For detailed information on Health Center charges, students should contact staff at the Student Health Center. The Student Billing/Accounts Receivable Department does not have access to students' confidential health center records or information.

What are Tuition and Fee Refund Penalties?

Tuition and Fee Penalties are assessed when the student reduces his/her credit hours after the 7th calendar day of the term. The penalty is a percentage of the tuition and/or fees owed on the classes for which the student was registered. Please view the Refund Schedule for dates and percentages of penalties. This schedule is available under Calendars on the Registrar's website.

Can the University of Oregon speak with Parents, Guardians or Third Parties about the student billing account?

In compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), student billing accounts are considered confidential. For students who have a third party, such as a parent or guardian that will be inquiring, viewing, or making payments on the student billing account, the student will need to establish the third party as an Authorized Payer on the QuikPAY system. Students can establish up to five Authorized Payers by following these directions.

What should students do if they don't understand some of the charges on the student billing account?

Students can contact the Student Billing Department at (541) 346-3170 or by email at Student billing account information is confidential and can only be released to the student or authorized payer.

How can students and authorized payers tell how much is owed on the student billing account?

Students can view their student accounts through View Account Summary on Duckweb. Both students and authorized payers can view the current balance by logging into QuikPAY and selecting "View & Pay Acounts" which will reflect a current balance at all times.

Students and authorized payers can also contact the Student Billing Department at (541) 346-3170 or by email at

Billing Account Terms and Conditions

The university's billing account Terms and Conditions (Revolving Charge Agreement) must be read and accepted by all students. Students must agree to the Terms and Conditions in order to register for classes.

To accept the Terms and Conditions 
  • Log in to DuckWeb
  • Select "Student Menu"
  • Select "Billing Account Terms and Conditions"
  • Read Agreement
  • Check the box to agree
  • Select "Save"

Billing Account Information

Billing account

The University of Oregon establishes a billing account for employees when charges are incurred at the university. Examples of charges that may be posted to this account include tuition and fees, parking citations, and library fines.


Billing statements are generated around the sixteenth of each month. Payments are due on the first day of the following month. Past due balances are assessed a monthly billing charge plus interest after the 10th of each month. 

Employees accessQuikPAY to make online payments:

  • Log into Duckweb using a UO ID & PAC
  • Select "Employee Information"
  • Select "Make Electronic Payments on UO Bill"

Past Due Accounts

The Collections Department in Business Affairs starts monitoring accounts once they are 40 days past due. A series of collection letters will be sent to the person who incurred the charges, as it is their responsibility. All letters state that a past due account may block registration and that any Oregon tax refund, under the debtor's Social Security number, will be applied to their UO account. The Collections Department will accept monthly payments on an account, which will allow the account to stay in Business Affairs. Contact Collections at (541) 346-3215 directly to set up a monthly repayment schedule.

If no payments are received on the account, the Collections Department will refer the account to an outside collection agency. At that point, collection costs are added to the account.

For questions on past due accounts call the Collections Department at (541) 346-3215.