Closing Procedures & Deadlines

Important Fiscal Year 25 Period 09 to Close April 7th at 5:00pm
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Closing calendars

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Month end close

The UO's fiscal year runs July 1st through June 30th and is split into 13 fiscal periods as shown in the chart below. Fiscal periods close at 5pm on the dates listed on the appropriate closing calendar, generally the 5th working day of the following month. If you have month-end processes that need to be completed by that time, plan accordingly. Banner reports for the closed period will be available after 5pm on closing days. IDR (Cognos) is updated nightly and data should be available the next morning.

Each month incomplete documents with transaction dates in closed periods are removed from the system. Before documents are removed an email is sent via Appworx notifying users with incomplete documents pending removal. If you receive the Appworx email please complete or delete documents on the list as necessary. 

Fiscal years and periods that are currently open for posting:

  • Fiscal Year 25: Period 01-12
  • Fiscal Year 26: Period 01-12
  • Fiscal Year 27: Period 01 only
  • Fiscal Year 28: Period 01 only
Fiscal Periods
Quarter 01Period 01July
Period 02August
Period 03September
Quarter 02Period 04October
Period 05November
Period 06December
Quarter 03Period 07January
Period 08February
Period 09March
Quarter 04Period 10April
Period 11May
Period 12June
Period 14Accrual Period
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Year end close

Year-End Training

Business Affairs Financial Services Department’s annual closing of the books training has been transitioned to an online format. This presentation will provide you with an overview of important year-end concepts, instructions, and additional resources. Simply login to the MyTrack Learning Module, select Learning Library under My community, and search for year-end closing of the books.

Dating Banner FIS Documents

Please make every effort to post transactions for June to period 12 before we close period 12 on July 9 at 5:00pm to allow time for transactions to clear approval queues, be sure to post all transactions before 3:00pm.

When entering FIS documents you want to post in fiscal year 2024 (FY24) use the following guidelines:

If a document is entered by June 30, enter as you normally would, with system-defaulted transaction date. Remember: any check processed after June 30 will liquidate the invoice payable and credit cash in FY25.

If a document is entered between July 1 and July 16, change the transaction date to June 30 (FIS will default the current date as the transaction date). Enter everything else normally. Banner will post the expense and automatically accrue the payable in FY24. The check itself will be written from FY25 and liquidate the payable.

If you have questions call Financial Services at 6-3524.

Cash Receipts and Deposits in Transit

Cash Receipts

All cash receipts must be at the Cashiers’ Office by 3:00pm on the last day the Cashiers' Office is open in June for inclusion in FY24 accounting records. Deposit all cash receipts in a timely manner. Please try to avoid accumulating receipts for a final deposit.

Off campus locations must provide detailed information for their final deposits at the bank to the Cashiers’ Office by 3:00pm on June 30 (fax 541 346-3137).

If you have questions please call the Cashiers’ Office at 6-3154.

Department Deposit in Transit

For payments you have received but cannot deposit before the Cashiers' Office month and year-end deadlines, please use the following procedures to record a deposit in transit (A0951).

To record the deposit in transit by JV in the month the payment was received:
Debit     Department Index     A0951 Cash-Department Deposit In Transit
Credit    Department Index     Revenue, Unearned Revenue, AR, etc.

To make the physical deposit with UO Cashiers using Banner form TWADEPO the next month:
Debit     CASH, CHEK, BANK, or CARD depending how the payment was received
Credit    Department Index     A0951 Cash-Department Deposit In Transit

Please note that this account code and procedure should only be used to record payments that you have received but are unable to deposit with UO Cashiers by month end. Established cash handling procedures must be followed as indicated in the cash handling and departmental deposits section.

Account Reconciliations

The University of Oregon is required to generate supporting detail and account reconciliations for asset and liability accounts to support year-end balances. If your department has made any entries to any general ledger account codes, those that begin with the letters A or B, there should be a listing of those transactions kept in your department to support the balance as of June 30. Below is a list of commonly used general ledger account codes requiring detailed back-up and reconciliations. This list does not include all account codes that need back-up and reconciliation.

A3103 Misc Accounts Receivable
A3106 Sundry Receivable
A3702 AR from Affiliated Foundation
A4002 Organized Storeroom Inventories
A5019 Prepaid Services & Supplies
A5020 Prepaid Travel
A5021 Prepaid Subscriptions/Memberships
A5022 Prepaid Capital Assets
A5023 Prepaid Software Expenditures
A5030 Prepaid Miscellaneous Expense
B0101 Year-end A/P Accrual
B0190 Received Items Payable
B0191 Duck Depot Card Payable
B5120 Prepaid Tuition & Fees
B5801 Undistributed Revenue
B5802 Unearned Revenue
B5817 Unredeemed Gift Cards/Certificates

Journal Vouchers

The last day to input journal vouchers for period 12 is July 9 and the last day to input journal vouchers for period 14 is July 16. To post to period 12 or 14 the item must have a June transaction date.

Contact Financial Services at 6-3524 with any questions, or if you need to do a JV after July 16. Up until November 1, please notify Financial Services if there is a journal voucher that is entered into FY25 that should have been in FY24.

Accounts Receivable

Departments that sell products or provide services should post revenue on an accrual basis. According to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), accrual accounting requires revenue be recognized when the product is delivered or the services are provided, not when the cash is received. Departments should accrue amounts owed to them at year-end by customers external to UO.

To record revenue and receivable in FY24, with a transaction date of June 30 or earlier:
Debit     Department Index     A3103 - Misc A/R
Credit    Department Index     Revenue Account Code

To record the reversal deposit the payment utilizing TWADEPO:
Debit     (CASH, CHEK, CARD, or Bank depending how payment was received)
Credit    Department Index     A3103 – Misc A/R

We encourage entries be made before the close of period 12 on July 9 at 5:00pm.

*** It is important that receivable amounts for FY24 are reviewed for accuracy. To review account A3103 or any other general ledger accounts, use FGITBAL/FGIGLAC. Additional requirements at year-end include analysis of accounts for uncollectable amounts, and preparation of a detailed accounts receivable aging list reconciled to the general ledger.

Additional resources are available at /content/accounts-receivable-non-student.

If you have any questions please contact Financial Services at 6-1115.

Receivables from the UO Foundation

Following are the conditions that must be met before a UO Department can accrue a receivable from the UO Foundation (UOF):

The University had incurred expenses in the fiscal year that met the restrictions that donors to the University Foundation placed on their donations.

The amount to be accrued was on hand (in the form of cash, cash equivalents, and/or short-term investments) in the appropriate fund at the University Foundation at the close of the fiscal year.

The University had requested reimbursement of said expenses in a timely fashion (before fiscal year-end close of period 14).

The monies requested are actually received by the University in a timely fashion.

Fiscal Year 24 transfer requests sent to the UOF after the June cutoff at 5:00pm but before period 14 departmental lockout on July 16 may be accrued at the UO with the following entries:

To record revenue and receivable in FY24:
Debit     Department Index     A3702- AR from Affiliated Foundation
Credit    Department Index     03651 - Campus Affiliated Foundation Gift

To record the reversal in FY25:
Debit     Department Index     03651 - Campus Affiliated Foundation Gift
Credit    Department Index     A3702- AR from Affiliated Foundation

Please forward copies of these requests to Phil Davis in BA Financial Services at

Purchase Orders and General Encumbrances

Expenditures must be charged to the fiscal year and period in which goods are received or services are performed.

Banner purchase orders for goods and services that will be received in FY25 must be dated in FY25 (i.e. dated 7/1/24 or after). A general encumbrance may be entered in FY24 if it is necessary to have the FY24 purchase encumbered. The FY24 general encumbrance will need to be liquidated after it rolls, as the purchase order's encumbrance already will be included in FY25.

If orders for goods and services will be received in FY25, but payment must occur in FY24 (i.e. maintenance contract), use the current date on the Banner purchase order and use the appropriate prepaid expense account code. See procedures for prepaid expense if the goods or services are tax reportable and for the FY25 reversing entry.

Business Affairs will roll purchase order and general encumbrances on all funds from FY24 to FY25 at the close of period 12.

After the close of period 10, Business Affairs will send departments a listing of their outstanding encumbrances that have not had any activity for one year. Departments will need to determine if they want them closed or rolled. If the department does not want the encumbrance rolled then they will have to perform a liquidation prior to the close of period 12. See Year-End Encumbrance Procedures in our Fiscal Procedures section.

Do not liquidate a rolled encumbrance in period 14. If you do not want an encumbrance to roll, perform a liquidation in period 12. If you want to liquidate an encumbrance that has rolled, perform the liquidation in period 01 of the new fiscal year.

Contact Financial Services at 6-7215 with any questions.

Invoices and Payables


Expenditures must be charged to the fiscal year in which goods are received or services are performed. The last day to input invoices that need to be included in FY24 accounting records is 5:00pm on July 16. A June transaction date must be used. Note: the last day to input an invoice for period 12 is July 9.


A payable should be recorded for goods or services received by June 30th for which an invoice has not been received, or if the invoice was paid with a transaction date in the new fiscal year. The expense will be posted to the wrong fiscal year in this case, and needs to be moved to the prior fiscal year with two journal vouchers.

The first journal voucher needs to be processed in period 12 or 14 of the old fiscal year to record the expense and a liability. The second journal voucher is processed in period 01 of the new fiscal year. It reverses the first one, to remove the liability and net against the expense recorded with the invoice.

The liability account code is a general ledger code and will appear on the Banner page FGITBAL. It will not appear on FGIBDST or FWIBUDG.

To record the expense and payable in the period the goods or services were received:
Debit     Departmental Index     Expense Account Code 2xxxx
Credit    Departmental Index     B0190 – Received Items Payable

To reverse the accrual in the new fiscal year:
Debit     Departmental Index     B0190 – Received Items Payable
Credit    Departmental Index     Expense Account Code 2xxxx

All accrual entries must be processed by July 16, 2024. If you have any questions please contact Financial Services at 6-1256.

After period 14 close, please continue to notify Financial Services ( of invoices that are paid but should have been an expense in the prior fiscal year.

Additional items to note:
Do not accrue telephone charges
Do not accrue motor pool charges, because they will be recorded before the close of period 14
Business Affairs will accrue Concur Pcard and travel expenses incurred in FY24 – see details in the Central Accrual Entries section

Prepaid Expenses

According to GAAP, accrual accounting requires expenditures to be charged to the fiscal year and period in which goods are received or services are performed, regardless of when budget or cash is available.

Invoices and other purchases, such as Concur or Duck Depot transactions, for $5,000 or more for goods or services that will be received (partially or entirely) in a future fiscal year should be allocated to the appropriate prepaid expense account code. To remove the prepaid and recognize the expense, post a reversing journal voucher with a transaction date in the fiscal year and period that the goods or services are to be provided. This journal voucher may be processed ahead of time if the future period is open. Purchases of less than $5,000 are not amortized over future fiscal years; they are expensed in the current fiscal year.

Tax reportable expenses must first be coded to an expense account code when processing an invoice. For a list of 1099 tax reportable account codes, please see the following website: UO Fiscal Policy Manual Website.

For amounts of $5,000 or greater posted as expense that should be prepaid expenses for future periods or fiscal years:
Debit     Department Index     Prepaid Expense Account Code
Credit    Department Index     Expense Account Code

To remove the prepaid and recognize the expense in a future period or fiscal year:
Debit     Department Index     Expense Account Code
Credit    Department Index     Prepaid Expense Account Code

We encourage entries be made before the close of period 12 on July 9 at 5:00pm.

*** It is important that prepaid amounts for FY24 are reversed prior to year-end. To review prepaid expense account codes or any other general ledger accounts, use FGITBAL/FGIGLAC. Some prepaid expenses, such as airfare for travel, may be initiated outside of your department.

Common prepaid expense account codes:

A5019 - Prepaid Services & Supplies
A5020 - Prepaid Travel
A5021 - Prepaid Subscriptions/Memberships
A5022 - Prepaid Capital Assets
A5023 - Prepaid Software Expenditures
A5030 - Prepaid Misc Expense

If you have any questions please contact Financial Services at 6-3524.

Unearned/Undistributed Revenue

According to GAAP, accrual accounting requires revenue be recognized in the fiscal year and period in which the goods or the service are provided. Unearned revenue is recorded for payments received for goods or services which have not yet been provided. A journal voucher needs to be processed in the future period or year that the goods or services are to be provided.

To deposit payment through TWADEPO when it is received:
Debit     (CASH, CHEK, CARD, or BANK depending how payment was received)
Credit    Department Index     Unearned Revenue Account Code

To recognize the revenue in a future period or fiscal year:
Debit     Department Index     Unearned Revenue Account Code
Credit    Department Index     Revenue Account Code

Undistributed Revenue - Revenue earned for goods or services that is accumulated in the liability account code B5801 until distributed as revenue.

Common unearned/undistributed revenue account codes:

Unearned Revenue:B5120 - Prepaid Tuition & FeesB5802 - Unearned RevenueB5817 - Unredeemed Gift Cards/Certificates

Undistributed Revenue:B5801 - Undistributed Revenue

If you have any questions please contact Financial Services at 6-1256.

Central Accrual Entries

Business Affairs will make the following year-end accrual entries:

Concur Pcard – expenses incurred through the final, completed cycle of the fiscal year that were not fully approved and posted in FY24. Also, the 7/1 Pcard posting will be reversed and posted as of 6/30 because that is the date that the associated expenses were fully approved.

Concur Travel – expenses for travel that occurred in FY24, but were outstanding at year-end. Travel that crossed fiscal years will be prorated between the two years.

Summer session tuition & fee revenue and remissions recorded in June will be prorated between fiscal years based on the percentage of all summer session courses in each year.

Funds with Negative Balances

Funds may not have negative fund balances at June 30. The necessary entries to resolve any negative balances must be recorded in the FY24 accounting records by 5:00pm July 16 using a June 30 transaction date.

Determine the fund balance as of June 30 by using Banner page FGITBAL for period 14. This will give you your current fund balance. A credit balance is positive. If the balance is a debit, there is a negative fund balance. Other departmental funds will have to be used to cover the deficit. If you have fund balances that remain negative as of June 30 someone in BRP or Business Affairs may contact you.

If you have any questions about how to process a JV to eliminate a negative fund balance call Financial Services at 6-1256.

Inactive Funds

As part of year-end closing procedures, Business Affairs is required to identify and eliminate as many inactive funds as possible for termination. Departments are encouraged to notify Business Affairs of any inactive funds that can be terminated.

Please call Financial Services at 6-1115.

Payroll Adjustments

July 5th is the last day to submit completed Payroll Accounting Adjustment (PAA) forms for HRIS pay that departments wish to adjust and post to FY24, period 12. This is accomplished by specifying a posting override date of June 30, 2024.

July 12th is the last day to submit completed Payroll Accounting Adjustment (PAA) forms for HRIS pay that departments wish to adjust and post to FY24, period 14. These forms will not be processed without written justification and an authorization from the dean, director, or department head to post to the current date in FY24.

Departments with access to PHAREDS can adjust pay on their own using the posting override date of June 30, 2024 if they wish to post to FY24. Adjustments completed by departments are subject to the July 8th deadline. Departmental access to PHAREDS will be removed at the close of period 12.

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Year end resources

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