Faculty and OA - Status Change
Personnel Information Changes
For SSN changes, the employee should send a copy of the new SSN card to the Payroll Office.
For legal name changes, the employee should complete the Name Change Form, attach a copy of the SSN card, and send it to the Payroll Office.
There are numerous ways to change a mailing address.
- Department staff may submit a EIF.
- Employees may use DuckWeb.
- Employees or department staff may send email to General Payroll at payroll@uoregon.edu.
- Employees submit a Request To Change Mailing Address Form (RCM) to the Payroll Office by campus or US mail or complete this form at the Payroll Office in person.
For campus address and campus telephone number changes, department staff may submit a EIF or may send an email to General Payroll at payroll@uoregon.edu. We do not allow employees to update this address because it has a special format. Abbreviations and acronyms must be consistent, along with accuracy for Zip Plus 4 coding.
Org Code Changes
For home org, time sheet org, or check/earn statement org changes, submit a Employee Information Form (EIF) to the Payroll Office. Remember the EIF does not have to be completely filled out, just the pertinent data.
For multiple updates due to departmental reorganization or office location changes, the Payroll Office will accept a spreadsheet roster, rather than individual EIFs. Contact Payroll at 541-346-3151 for details.
Pay & Job Changes
Additional Pay
If the additional pay is a recurring monthly amount then the employee is given an additional job. A PRFform must be submitted to the appropriate Dean's, Vice President's or Department Head's Office, as required by your division. Examples of stipend appointments are Department Head Duties, Endowed Chairs, Teaching Awards, Faculty Excellence Awards, and other circumstances that warrant 'additional pay', including but not limited to Associate or Assistant Dean, Director of a program, Dean service awards, distinguished professorships, VP expense accounts, honors track program, program review, and summer session coordinator. The employee is assigned to a pooled position number, (for example BUODH9 for a 9 month department head appointment). The job type is set to overload. The BANNER PWIVERI form can be used to view all employee jobs.
See PRF routing and signature instructions
If the additional pay is for services over 100% (overload) follow the instructions on the Overload Compensation section of the HR website.
Renewal Appointments
Title Changes
FTE Change
This is a frequent occurrence. Term-by-term appointments go up and down in FTE often. If the change affects benefits eligibility, a new RTO must be created.
To change an employee's FTE (without a change in contract) submit an approved PRF form to the Payroll Office.
Example Appointment % (FTE) Change PRF
Promotion Involving Tenure Change
If a promotion involving the granting of tenure is approved, HR Operations will create an RTO for department signature.
HR will update PEIFACT for the rank change.
If promotion/tenure is denied, see Tenure Denial.
Promotion Without Tenure Change
When the promotion is approved that only involves a change in rank, pay, and job title, the department must submit a PRF form to the appropriate VP.
HR will update PEIFACT for the rank change.
Leave of Absence
A PRF should also be submitted when an employee will be on LWOP for more than 2 weeks. The Payroll Office will change the job status appropriately for the specified period. As a result BANNER will generate employee time record(s) that contain fewer regular hours (SAL) and some hours on leave status (LW3).
If the LWOP is less than 2 weeks, Payroll can dock the employees pay in PHAHOUR using the DOC earn code. Remember that DOC hours must be prorated and based on the average 173.33 hour month. Please contact the Payroll Office for assistance.
If the LWOP was undetected until after the payroll deadline, departments should notify the Payroll Office immediately.
Tenure Denial:
If tenure is denied the faculty member will receive timely notice of termination and a revised contract. HR Operations will create an RTO for department signature.
Tenure Reduction Option
Salary to Hourly and Vice-Versa
This is very rare. It might occur because of employee illness resulting in an unpredictable working schedule.
The department must submit a PRF to the Provost/Vice President. Benefits and employee class may change if the employee falls below appointment percent 50, (or 0.5 FTE).