Vendor Setup

Please allow 5-7 Business Days for vendor set up to be completed.  The process to set up foreign vendors may take longer   

The Business Affairs Accounts Payable Team will notify you when a New vendor Set Up or activation has been completed.  

Please request only one vendor request (with documentation) per secure email.  (This does not apply to employee and student activations requested on the APA form).

A current UO Substitute W-9 form or an original W-8 form and supporting documents must accompany all vendor requests. Please note:  If the W8/W9 is digitally signed, the certification of the digital signature must also be submitted, or the form will be rejected.

  • Invoices
  • Registrations
  • Subscriptions
  • Travel reimbursements
  • Participant support payments
  • Survey payments
  • Subject payments
  • Stipends
  • Hotels
  • Personal Service Contracts (PSCs)
  • PO for Services (This form is retired)
  • Contracts
  • All other types of payments (except refunds see item 8)

For current version of forms see Central Accounts Payable and Invoice Payments. Older versions will not be accepted.

Secure Transmission of ALL versions of W-8 and W-9 Forms

W-8 and W-9 tax forms contain high risk data, specifically, Tax ID which may be SSN and must not be collected or shared using email. 

Please follow these One Drive instructions for collecting vendor documents and then sharing them with Accounts Payable. 


University of Oregon requires a UO Substitute W-9 (most current version) to be on file before making payment to vendors. W8/W9 are legal documents and MUST be completed and signed by the vendor or individual it belongs to. If the W8/W9 is digitally signed, the certification of the digital signature must also be submitted, or the form will be rejected.

Note: Effective 10/1/2024 we can no longer accept the previous version of the UOW9 and the 2018, and prior versions of the IRS Form W-9.  

The University is required to report additional information to the State of Oregon regarding our annual expenditures with minority, women owned, and emerging small businesses (MWESB) as well as veteran owned and service disabled veterans (SDV).  Information on state certified MWESB statuses is available at the state's website:  Minority and Women Business Enterprise Certification(M/WSB) or you may contact them at (503) 986-0075.  For information on veteran or state certified SDV statuses see:  Service Disabled Veteran Certification (SDV).  You may also see the State of Oregon Certification Office for Business Inclusion and Diversity/COBID.

Although the information recorded on the UO Substitute W-9 form is similar to what is provided on an IRS W-9 form, the UO is required by the state to collect additional information from vendors whenever possible, which is not on the IRS W-9 form. It is to the vendor's advantage that they supply the UO with the additional status information. For this reason an IRS W-9 form should not be submitted in lieu of the UO Substitute W-9 unless you have made every effort to provide vendors the opportunity to notify the UO of their MWESB, veteran owned and SDV statuses by requesting they fill out the UO Substitute W-9 form.  If the vendor refuses to complete the UO Substitute W-9 then a current version of the IRS W-9 form can be accepted.

When an individual is completing a UO Substitute W-9 they must provide a home address for tax reporting purposes.  An individual should not list an office or work address in the address field.  If the person wants us to mail a payment to an address other than the home address they can provide a second address to be added to Banner.

Departments may not fill the form out for the vendor. The vendor needs to provide the legal name and tax identification number that will be confirmed using the IRS TIN Matching Program.

The completed and signed UO Substitute W-9 form should be securely transmitted following One Drive instructions to the requesting Department.  For U.S. entities ONLY, a copy of the W-9 may be a scanned image or copy sent securely following One Drive instructions


The University of Oregon requires a W-8 form for all foreign individuals and foreign entities regardless of the type of payment. W8/W9 are legal documents and MUST be completed and signed by the vendor or individual it belongs to. There are five different types of W-8 forms (most current version). Foreign individuals will most likely choose to complete IRS W-8BEN. Foreign non-individual entities will most likely choose to complete an IRS W-BEN-E. Only the foreign individual/entity can determine which W-8 form applies to them. Departments may not fill out the form for the vendor.

The original W-8 form needs to be securely transmitted following One Drive instructions to Accounts Payable.  We cannot accept electronically signed forms.

ALL W-8 forms securely transmitted following One Drive instructions to Accounts Payable for vendor set up or activation will be reviewed by a UO Tax Analyst, before a foreign vendor or individual is activated in Banner by Accounts Payable.

Note: When requesting a W-8 for a foreign vendor setup, please inquire whether the vendor can receive a U.S. check.  If they cannot cash a U.S. check, then you will need to follow the Outgoing Wire Transfer procedures.

Once the foreign vendor has been set up, the address is generally valid for three years. Payments requested in succeeding years will be reviewed for the type of payment, foreign entity address and validity of a new W-8 form every three years. The vendor will be reactivated for another three years once all necessary information or documentation has been received. All U.S. tax identification information numbers provided must match IRS records.

Table of Contents:

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1. Vendor Searches

Below is a list of tips to use when conducting vendor queries:

  • Use % both before and after the vendor name.
  • Drop the word The off the beginning of your vendor name search.
  • Leave off all punctuation except dashes or apostrophes.
  • Try all upper case.
  • Try all lower case.
  • Try the vendor name with just the first word capitalized and no spaces between the words.
  • Try capitalizing each word in the vendor name with no spaces between words.
  • Try the acronym for the vendor name.
  • Try the vendor name exactly as it appears including any upper and lower case numbers or letters.
  • Try the less is sometimes might be better rule. Try % before and after any unusual or less commonly used words.

Conduct a thorough vendor search in BANNER. Try several spellings, for example, McDonald or Mc Donald or Mc donald, IKON or Ikon. BANNER is case sensitive. You also need to be aware that many vendors use a 'Doing Business As' (DBA) name. Their legal name will appear before their business name. For example, "John Doe dba/Creative Vendors." Their invoice may only say "Creative Vendors." The only way to find this vendor is to use the percent sign in front of and at the end of the name. For example, %Creative Ven%. It may take a little longer to do a search this way but you will find most vendors this way.

If you do not find a vendor after doing a thorough search you will need to send a new vendor request.

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2. New Vendor Requests

For any new vendor set up, as well as any activation of an inactive vendor that begins with a V00_ _ _ _ _ _ number, a UO Substitute W-9 (most current version) and supporting documents are required. W8/W9's are legal documents and MUST be completed and signed by the vendor or individual it belongs to. If the W8/W9 is digitally signed, the certification of the digital signature must also be submitted, or the form will be rejected. If you send just the UO Substitute W-9 alone or the invoice alone, we will not be able to process your request. You will need to send both pieces of documentation at the same time to AP. The two pieces of documentation are required regardless of whether you are purchasing or paying a vendor.

Note: When requesting a W-8 for a foreign vendor setup, please inquire whether the vendor can receive a U.S. check.  If they cannot cash a U.S. check, then you will need to follow the Outgoing Wire Transfer procedures.

If you are contracting or purchasing in any uncommon foreign currency, please check with Accounts Payable before contracting to make sure we can send a wire in that foreign currency. If we cannot send a wire in a particular currency you may have to have the foreign vendor invoice/contract in U.S. dollars.  (The default currency on PSC contracts and PO's is U.S. dollars).

If you are trying to place a PURCHASE ORDER with a company (creating an online purchase order in Banner), you will need to send to AP:

1). A UO Substitute W-9 or an original W-8 form (most current version).


2). A copy of a quote, estimate, web page, business card, or something from the vendor showing the business information and address. On the request let us know you need the new vendor set up for Purchase Order purposes and we will add the vendor with a VO (Vendor Order) address. (Later, when you have been invoiced, you will need to send just a copy of the invoice to Accounts Payable so a VP (Vendor Payment) address can be added for payment).

Note: If you are trying to place a PO for Services this form has been retired.  See PCS forms for forms you may use for purchasing when a PO or Contract is required.  You will need to send to AP:

1). A UO Substitute W-9 or an original W-8 form (most current version).


2). A copy of the fully completed PO or Contract form. On the request let us know you need the new vendor set up for payment purposes and we will add the vendor with a VP (Vendor Payment) address as we would do for any other Personal Service Contract or Custom Contract for Services forms. 

If you are trying to make a PAYMENT to a vendor or a non-employee/student, please send to AP:

1). A UO Substitute W-9 or an original W-8 form (most current version).


2) A copy of an invoice, registration form, subscription renewal, hotel reservation, front page and/or signature page of a PSC or Contract, Accounts Payable Activation Request form or other supporting documentation so we can add a VP address to Banner.

Again, we need two pieces of documentation for any new vendor set up. A new vendor set up request will not be completed without both pieces of documentation. You can send these two pieces of documentation together to Accounts Payable with a note on it that states NEW VENDOR, your name, and your phone number. You may securely transmit the request following One Drive instructions, or send the request through campus mail to Business Affairs Accounts Payable.

  • Departmental contact information: We need your name and number to call you if there are problems or questions. Do not put a note over anything printed on the documentations, or use colored paper or post its (when we receive the scan, it may be unreadable). Please make sure the vendor phone number and address are legible.
  • Status of your vendor requests: New vendors will be established in BANNER following the receipt of your request. We process many new vendors and cannot call or email to confirm the receipt of your request.  We will notify you when it is complete.
  • UO Purchase Orders, Disbursement Request forms, handwritten or typed notes/emails from UO departments CANNOT be used for vendor set up or address changes: We can do this only in very rare instances such as when a refund is being issued. We must have something official from the vendor, generally their invoice. If you need a vendor address set up so you can process an online purchase order; please securely transmit this form following One Drive instructions to Accounts Payable a vendor quote, estimate, web page, business card, or something from the vendor along with a current UO Substitute W-9; or send your request with an original W-8 form so we can add a VO address to Banner.
  • Vendor registration forms, order forms, etc: These are acceptable for new vendor set ups as long as they are accompanied by a current UO Substitute W-9 or an original W-8 form.
  • Subscriptions renewals: These also require a UO substitute W-9 or original W-8 form for new vendor set up and should to be processed carefully. If a pre-printed envelope accompanies the subscription form, then make sure you send a copy of the envelope and the subscription form (which contains the contact information) to Accounts Payable in order to get the correct payment address added to Banner. The remit to address on the envelope may be different than the correspondence address on the subscription form.
  • Where to send vendor requests: Securely transmit requests following One Drive instructions to Accounts Payable.
  • Originals or copies of W-9s or W-8s should not be retained in departments: Once a new vendor has been established in Banner by Accounts Payable, please destroy any department copies of W-9s or W-8s. 
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3. Address Changes

A signed UO Substitute W-9 or W-8 form is now required for all vendor address changes as of 10/1/2023 and should be submitted securely to via One Drive, in the same manner original vendor set-up documents are submitted to APBAO. W8/W9's are legal documents and MUST be completed and signed by the vendor or individual it belongs to.  Note:  If the W8/W9 is digitally signed, the certification of the digital signature must also be submitted, or the form will be rejected.

If the vendor is requesting an update or addition of a remittance address, please send the W8/W9 along with a copy of the invoice, registration form or other documentation securely via OneDrive to

All students and employees MUST update their address in Duckweb. The AP is no longer able to enter the address in Banner on their behalf. To activate the updated address for AP payments in Banner, you will need to complete an Accounts Payable Activation Request form APA) and submit it to APBAO.

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4. Personal Service Contracts (PSCs), PO's, and other Contracts

If you are paying a PSC or a Contract and you need a new vendor set up or address change, you will need to send the following information securely transmit following One Drive instructions to A/P. (Please remember to include your name and phone extension along with details regarding your request).

Note: When requesting a W-8 for a foreign vendor setup, please inquire whether the vendor can receive a U.S. check.  If they cannot cash a U.S. check, then you will need to follow the Outgoing Wire Transfer procedures.

If you are contracting or purchasing in any uncommon foreign currency, please check with Accounts Payable before contracting to make sure we can send a wire in that foreign currency. If we cannot send a wire in a particular currency you may have to have the foreign vendor invoice/contract in U.S. dollars.  (The default currency on PSC contracts and PO's is U.S. dollars).

PSC's or POS

  • A scan of the PSC that contains the legal name, address and signatures of all parties. (A full copy of the contract may be requested if needed).
  • UO Substitute W-9 Form, (most current version) if the vendor is a US entity. (By the time you make this request the vendor should have securely transmitted per One Drive instructions this form to you).
  • An original W-8 Form, (most current version) if the vendor is a foreign individual or entity. Please send campus mail the original W-8 form with your vendor request or you may securely transmit the digitally signed form and request per One Drive instructions. For more information on paying services to a foreign entity, please see: Payments to Foreign Entities.


  • A copy of the fully executed (signed) Contract, Personal Service Contract/PSC, PO, Addendum, etc.
  • A UO Substitute W-9 Form, (most current version) if the vendor is a U.S. entity. (By the time you make this request the vendor should have securely transmitted per One Drive instructions this form to you).
  • An original W-8 Form (most current version) if the vendor is a foreign individual or entity. Please send campus mail the original W-8 form with your vendor request or you may securely transmit the digitally signed form and request per One Drive instructions. For more information on paying services to a foreign entity, please see: Payments to Foreign Entities.
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5. Activation Requests (Students and Employees with 95X)

Students or employees: If you are reimbursing a student or an employee, and you get the Banner message "NEEDS TO BE ACTIVATED BY ACCOUNTS PAYABLE" you will need to complete an Accounts Payable Activation Request form. Be sure to include the name, address and BANNER ID (95XXXXXXX or 951XXXXXX number) and the reason for activation on the Accounts Payable Activation Request form and email the request to Accounts Payable.

Note: All students and employees MUST update their address in Duckweb. The AP is no longer able to enter the address in Banner on their behalf. To activate the updated address for AP payments in Banner, you will need to complete an Accounts Payable Activation Request form APA) and submit it to APBAO.

If a student or employee has updated their address in Duckweb, in order to update the Banner default address in Banner you will need to complete an Accounts Payable Activation Request form.  There are other addresses that need to remain active for other purposes.  Accounts Payable does not know when a student or employee has changed their address in Duckweb.  For this reason departments must notify Accounts Payable to update the AP default address, by submitting an Accounts Payable Activation Request form.

NOTE:  Occasionally a 95X will not reflect a US tax payer number in AP's vendor files.  Even though the individual may have completed other forms for Payroll or for Student Records, Accounts Payable is required to obtain from the individual a W-9 or W-8 form in order to activate the 95X in the AP vendor files to receive Accounts Payable payments such as stipends, reimbursements, etc.

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6. Travel Set-ups

If you need a vendor set up or activated for a traveler, then please fill out the Accounts Payable Activation Request form (we must have a home address) and have the traveler fill out a UO Substitute W-9 (most current version) or an original W-8 form (most current version). Attach the documents together and securely transmit them to A/P following the One Drive instructions, if the vendor is a US entity. If the vendor is a foreign individual, please send campus mail the original W-8 form with your vendor request or you may securely transmit the digitally signed form and request to A/P following the One Drive instructions,

For more information on paying travel to a foreign entity, please see: Payments to Foreign Entities.

Note: When requesting a W-8 for a foreign vendor setup for travel, please inquire whether the individual can receive a U.S. check.  If they cannot cash a U.S. check, then you will need to follow the Outgoing Wire Transfer procedures. Under Outgoing Wire Transfer's see the special procedures for Concur travel documents being paid by wire transfers.

If a traveler has moved be sure to request an update to their address and the Banner default address by submitting an Accounts Payable Activation Request form.  If the Banner address AND default are not updated prior to submitting the payment through Concur, the payment may be misdirected or delayed as the processes are different than those travel processes prior to Concur.  
A traveler who has never been a student or employee will be assigned a vendor number that begins with V in Banner. In order to process a travel reimbursement in Concur, you will need to query in Banner for the vendor number and then use that vendor number as the Traveler ID in Concur. Accounts Payable does not assign 95XXXXXXX numbers.

Note: Please remember to indicate in the non-resident alien field, on the Accounts Payable Activation Request form, whether the person is a non-resident alien or not. Do not leave this field blank. If they are non-resident you will need to attach the appropriate documentation listed on the bottom of the Accounts Payable Activation Request form. Note: The first address put in Banner for a foreign entity must be their permanent address.  The second address will be their mailing address. See: Outgoing FOREIGN Payment Options.

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7. Invalid or Terminated Vendors

If you find a vendor and get the Banner message Vendor is Invalid, or has not been activated by Accounts Payable, you will need to determine the reason for this message. You will need to return to the query screen in FTIIDEN in order to find out why the vendor is invalid or inactive. Generally, you will get this message under four circumstances.

1) You are reimbursing a student or employee under their Banner ID (aka 95XXXXXXX number), and the Accounts Payable Office has never activated them in Banner. They will need to be activated so you can process the reimbursement through Banner or the Concur Travel form. In this case you will need to complete and send an Accounts Payable Activation Request form to AP to have the account activated.

2) You are paying a vendor that is terminated. You will need to return to FTIIDEN. When you query on the vendor name in FTIIDEN, this vendor has a Terminated in the Vendor Column. This means this vendor is terminated because they were sold or changed to another vendor with a different tax id number. With your cursor on the vendor name, you will need to select the TOOLS Menu in the upper right hand corner.  Under the Options category select Vendor Address Information.   An address box will come up. Look in street line 2 or 3 of the first payment address (VP1) for a message that says SEE V#_______. You will then need to use the new number listed. (If a vendor has changed ownership multiple times, you may have to repeat this process to find the current vendor number).

This is the only way to know which vendor number you should use. If you pull a terminated vendor into the invoice payment screen, then you will get the message. Vendor is invalid or has not been activated by the accounts payable office. It is always best to search for your vendor and make sure the address you are looking for is in the system in FTIIDEN first, before going to the invoice payment screen.

3) You are paying a foreign vendor (person or company). Foreign vendors are active for only 3 years at a time.  All foreign vendors must provide a new W-8 form every 3 years and must be submitted with payment documentation just as you would for a new vendor set up.  Once the new W-8 is reviewed by The UO Tax analyst the vendor will be reactivated.

4) You are paying an old vendor that has not been paid for 6 or more years and it has been inactivated. In this case there will be no message in the address lines. In FTIIDEN there will be a T in the V Column. This is treated like a new vendor set up and you will need to send UO Substitute W-9 (most current version) or original W-8 form (most current version) along with supporting documents. The vendor will either be reactivated or set up with a new vendor number. Again, a new UO Substitute W-9 or an original W-8 is needed along with supporting documentation.

5) You have a corrupted banner session. Exit out if banner and then try again. If this does not work, reboot your computer and it should work.

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8. Refunds

Refunds should be issued using the same form of payment that was used on the original transaction.  A Banner invoice should only be generated if you are refunding a cash or check payment.  Refunds needing to be sent by wire transfer should follow Outgoing Wire Transfer instructions.  Credit card payments must be credited to the card used in the initial transaction.

The University of Oregon requires a current UO Substitute W-9 or original IRS W-8 form for all outgoing payments EXCEPT in cases of refunds.

If you are needing to send a refund payment you will need to provide:

  • Name - the person who made the original payment to the University
  • Address - where the payment should be sent to
  • Amount - of refund being issued
  • Reason - for refund.
  • Requester – name and contact information in case we have questions

You must send an email, a cancellation notice, registration slip, canceled order, cancelled check, grant refund letter or some other form of supporting documentation showing the reason for refund.

Vendor accounts for refunds will be active for 30 days only. If you do not issue the refund within the 30 day time period you will need to send a request to have the account temporarily reactivated.

If you have further questions regarding Vendor Requests, contact the Accounts Payable Vendor Coordinator by phone at 6-3189 or email at

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