Vendor Payment Options
Paper Checks
A paper check is a traditional form of payment. A paper check can be issued for vendor payments, employee and student refunds, stipends and reimbursements. UO checks are valid for 6 months from date of issuance (the pay date)
When are Paper Checks issued?
The University of Oregon issues paper checks every Tuesday and Thursday of the work week (days may vary on weeks that include recognized or banking holidays).
For Banner Id number beginning with a 95X, payment is net 1 day.
For Banner Id number beginning with a V00XXXXXX, the payment terms are net 30.
(Note: If a department is paying a time sensitive payment such as a stipend that must be paid by a specific date, it is the departments responsibility to override the pay date to pay on the Check run prior to the date it is to pay—if not on a Tuesday or Thursday).
Should Paper Checks be sent to foreign individuals or entities?
When requesting a W-8 for a foreign vendor setup, please inquire whether the vendor can receive a U.S. check mailed to their permanent address. If the foreign entity needs the paper check mailed to an alternate mailing address, please makes sure the mailing address is set up in Banner prior to issuing payment.
If the foreign vendor cannot cash a U.S. check, then you will need to follow the Outgoing Wire Transfer procedures.
Request a vendor set up (if a new vendor) and/or confirm mailing or remit to address activation request as you normally would for processing a Banner payment. Note: W-8’s often provide both a permanent and a mailing address for foreign entities. (The permanent address is set as the default in Banner for tax reporting purposes)
Always choose the current active mailing address when entering a Banner payment to be issued as a paper check payment to a foreign entity. (Warning!!!! Concur will issue Travel Reimbursements to the default address In Banner which may be out of the country or in some other location than were the individual is currently residing).
See: Outgoing Payment Options for Foreign Entities
What will happen if a Paper Check was issued to the old address of an individual or business who has recently moved?
The UO has return to sender stamped on the windowed envelopes that display the check address. If the person shares and apartment, home or business location with other individuals or businesses, and does not have their name on the mail box, the Postal Service will not be able deliver the check. The check will be returned to Central Accounts Payable in Business Affairs. Likewise, if the person or business is no longer at the address, the check will also be returned to the UO—even if the person or business left a forwarding address, because the envelope is stamped to “return to sender” if the person or business is no longer at the address on the front of the check.
Accounts Payable staff will contact the department that issued the check, notifying them that the check was returned to the UO and will provide instructions to the department for how to get it re-issued once a current address has been provided to the department by the payee.
UN-cashed paper checks are VOID 6 months from the date of issuance (the pay date).
If someone contacts the UO about a check that they have in their possession and want to know if it is still good, please use the Banner FOIDOCH form to see whether it was issued within the past 6 months. If less than 6 months then the check is still valid.
If a replacement check has already been re-issued within 6 months, it cannot be replaced.
If the check is older than 6 months, but has never been replaced within two years, the vendor can return the check to Accounts Payable with a request to have it reissued.
NOTE: Any check not reissued within two years will go be purged from Banner and the funds forwarded to the Bureau of Land Management. Any claims for payment after two years will need to be made from the Oregon State Bureau of Land Management.
What if a Paper Check has been lost?
If a paper check was lost you should have the person or vendor complete a Lost Check Statement and send it as instructed on the form. If the individual or vendor has returned the Lost Check Statement to the department, then the department should forward it to for processing.
How can I tell in Banner if a payment was issued as a Paper Check?
A paper check payment will be indicated in Banner with a number that begins with a “5” at the beginning of the number in the check column field in the UO Vendor Detail History form (FWIVNDH).
How can a UO employee or student switch from receiving Accounts Payable payments as Paper Checks to receiving their payments by Direct Deposit (ACH)?
See under: Direct Deposit (ACH)
Direct Deposit (ACH)
What is a Direct Deposit (ACH)?
Employees, students, and individuals with vendor numbers may receive payments from the University of Oregon electronically deposited in their checking or savings account.
All other vendors who are companies can sign up for the Single Use Account/SUA virtual credit payment program or they will receive their payment by check.
When are Direct Deposits (ACH) issued?
The University of Oregon issues direct deposits (ACH) on every Tuesday and Thursday of the work week (days may vary on weeks that include recognized or banking holidays).
For Banner Id number beginning with a 95X, payment is net 1 day.
For Banner Id number beginning with a V00XXXXXX, the payment terms are net 30.
(Note: If a department is paying a time sensitive payment such as a stipend that must be paid by a specific date, it is the departments responsibility to override the pay date to pay on the Direct Deposit (ACH) run prior to the date it is to pay—if not on a Tuesday or Thursday).
How will a person know they will be receiving a Direct Deposit (ACH)?
On the following day after a regularly scheduled direct deposit run, direct deposit payments will be deposited in the individual’s account. (This 24 hour delay is due to banking regulations). An email will be sent to the email address, that the individual has specified, the same day as the check run. In addition, the Banner invoice detail information will be included in the email.
How can I tell in Banner if a payment was issued as a Direct Deposit (ACH)?
A Direct Deposit (ACH) payment will be indicated in Banner with an (!) at the beginning of the number in the check column field in the UO Vendor Detail History form (FWIVNDH).
How can a UO employee or student activate (or update) their ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Direct Deposit (ACH) banking information for non-payroll related reimbursements, stipends and refunds? See:
- Updating ACH/DD in Duckweb for Non-Payroll Employee Reimbursements and Student Stipends or Refunds
- NOTE: For employees or student employees who wish to have their PAY CHECKS Direct Deposited, OR if a parent or student needs STUDENT LOAN payments to be sent by Direct Deposit, please use the PAYROLL DD/ACH Authorization form.
How can a vendor (who is an individual) request payments to be sent Direct Deposit (ACH)?
A non-UO individual (only) who will be receiving re-occurring contract payments or an individual who will receive a travel reimbursement, misc. reimbursement, stipend payment, or refund may complete the UO Vendor Direct Deposit (ACH) Authorization form.
Note: For companies who wish to receive secure electronic payments, see the section on Single Use Accounts/SUA’s.
Single Use Account/SUA
What is a Single Use Account/SUA Payment?
Single Use Accounts/SUA’s are a type of virtual vendor payment that is processed through Banner that produces a “check number” just like a paper check. The difference is that instead of the payment issuing a paper check it is sent to JP Morgan’s Single Use Account (SUA) virtual Card Payment Program. Each SUA vendor payment originated by the UO carries a single 16-digit virtual account number. The vendor receives a notification (via email or portal) that a payment is ready to process, and then they are able to process (receive) the card payment via their merchant terminal.
Single Use Accounts/SUA are used by vendors who are companies instead of Direct Deposit (ACH).
Single Use Accounts/SUA’s is now the method that vendors (companies) may receive payment through a secure electronic means instead of by Direct Deposit (ACH). It is best used by UO vendors who will have re-occuring payments. Accounts Payable no longer offers Direct Deposit (ACH) for vendors who are companies—only for individuals who are vendors. If you are issuing a one time payment to a company, the payment will be issued as a check payment.
If I receive a SUA notification when entering a Banner invoice, what do I do?
When entering a payment in Banner you will receive a notification message that the vendor is a SUA vendor. Just close the message and continue with payment. There is nothing you need to do differently when entering the payment. For more information on how this program works see: JP Morgan Single Use Accounts/SUA.
When are SUA payments issued?
Single Use Accounts/SUA’s are produced only on Tuesdays and Thursdays. SUA vendor payment terms are net 1 day. They pay on the next check run date whether it is a Tuesday or Thursday.
How can I tell if a payment was paid by SUA?
You can tell that a Banner payment went as an SUA by looking in the FWIVNDH (UO Vendor Detail History form). The “check” number field will display as a number with a carrot symbol “^” in front of it.
Who do I contact for SUA questions?
For more information on JP Morgan’s Single Use Account (SUA) virtual Card Payment Program, please email Diane Carl, AP Manger, at or Accounts Payable at
SUA Resources and Information for UO Vendors
- Single Use Accounts Reference Guide for Suppliers (UO Vendors)
- Single Use Accounts Secure Email (register for secure payment notifications)
- Single Use Accounts Supplier Overview (UO Vendor Overview)
Wire Transfers (Outgoing)
Outgoing Wire Transfer Overview
An Outgoing Wire Transfer is a payment method that allows the UO to pay foreign vendors in US dollars or other currencies through the University of Oregon's bank (US Bank). An outgoing wire transfer may also be processed to issue payment to a US vendor although the UO rarely issues a domestic wire transfer. Payments to US vendors are issued as either a paper check, an ACH (individuals only) or Single Use Account/SUA payment (companies).
Note: If you are contracting or purchasing in any uncommon foreign currency, please check with Accounts Payable before contracting to make sure we can send a wire in that currency. If we cannot send a wire in a particular currency you may have to have the foreign vendor invoice/contract in U.S. dollars. (The default currency on PSC contracts and PO's is U.S. dollars).
The payment to the vendor gets entered into Banner prior to the outgoing wire transfer occurring and it is subject to all the standard Purchasing and Payables guidelines, and approvals required in the Banner FOATEXT screen. It is reviewed and approved as any other Banner payment. The payment must be placed on HOLD and be left incomplete or you risk having both a check and a wire transfer issued!
Once a department processor has followed all the directions for an Outgoing Wire Transfer, the department processor will upload the completed wire transfer form along with all supporting confidential information, including banking information securely provided by the vendor, for the outgoing wire in the Wire Transfer Request Upload form.
The wire transfer will then proceed through the complete electronic approval process. It is first routed to the the Department Budgetary Approver to electronically sign, then to Accounts Payable staff, then to the UO Tax Analyst, and finally back to Accounts Payable staff who will review, approve, initiate and release the transfer of funds through US Bank.
Wires transfers are sent outside the UO finance system through US Bank. After the funds have been transferred from the University's US Bank account to the foreign vendor (this may take a few days especially if an intermediary bank is used) and US Bank has notified the UO the payment is complete, the amount in the Banner document will be adjusted if necessary to reflect the final US dollar value of the foreign payment transfer (after any currency conversions have occurred). The Banner document will be completed by Accounts Payable and the assigned wire transfer number will be loaded into Banner in the check column field so that the UO Vendor Detail History form (FWIVNDH) reflects the check (wire) number.
A payment issued as a wire transfer will have a “W” at the beginning of the number in the check column field in the UO Vendor Detail History form (FWIVNDH).
It takes 7-10 after AP has sent the outgoing wire transfer to US bank for it to clear US Bank, and be completed, then loaded into Banner with a W number. On Occasion, it may take longer than 7-10 days.
NOTE: NEVER complete an incomplete Banner I document or remove the HOLD no matter how long it takes for it to be completed. If you or someone else in your dept. removes the HOLD and completes the Banner document, both a check and a wire transfer will be issued! Accounts Payable must send the wire externally through US Bank and then wait for it to clear US Bank before AP can complete the Banner I document and load the Wire number.
Outgoing Wire Transfer Procedures
There is a Wire Transfer Request Upload on the BA forms site that you can use to make your outgoing wire request upload your supporting documentation.
Note: If you are contracting or purchasing in any uncommon foreign currency, please check with Accounts Payable before contracting to make sure we can send a wire in that currency. If we cannot send a wire in a particular currency you may have to have the foreign vendor invoice/contract in U.S. dollars. (The default currency on PSC contracts and PO's is U.S. dollars).
Before initiating your wire transfer you will need to have the following documentation to upload in the electronic wire form. Your wire will be delayed if you are not able to upload these documents:
- Bank information that was supplied securely by the vendor from their bank (if not on invoice). This must be submitted to your dept. through a secure means such as One Drive, Drop Box, etc.
- Invoice (if applicable)
- Contract, POS, PO, Agreement, Addendum, etc. (if applicable)
- Approvals (as required for any Banner invoice payment)
- Concur Travel Reimbursement report (if applicable)
- any other supporting payment documentation
If you need to pay multiple invoices to the SAME vendor by wire transfer, please enter the vendor invoices in the Banner I Document as a Banner Multiple Invoice and then load all vendor invoices and supporting documentation into one single wire request. Do not process each separately.
Due to the increased number of outgoing wire transfers, PLEASE ALLOW a MINIMUM of 3 days for processing. If the wire is absolutely a RUSH then please notify that you have a RUSH wire transfer, otherwise Accounts Payable will work to get the wire transfer processed as quickly as it can.
Wire transfers are used to transfer a payment to a FOREIGN person or entity when there is no other way to pay them. It is not the UO preferred method of payment. Wire transfers are NOT used to transfer payments to domestic (U.S.) vendors - only under unusual circumstances. Please note:
- Any wire transfer request received by AP after 10:00 am will be held and sent on the next day if possible. Any wire Transfer received by AP after 10:00 am on Friday will be held for the following Monday wire transfers.
- You must enter and put the Banner document on hold and leave the document incomplete (in process) or a duplicate check payment may occur! (For CONCUR Travel Reimbursements processed by wire transfer, please notify the Travel Dept. immediately once you have completed the travel reimbursement in Concur).
- Persons or entities receiving payment MAY NOT fill out the UO Outgoing Wire Transfer. (The UO Outgoing wire form is used internally by the UO and should only be used by depts. to request a wire transfer to be processed by AP).
- Person or entities receiving payment should supply the banking information below by a secure method (such as fax, postal mail, or some password protected/encrypted method such as One Drive, Drop Box, etc.) to you in order to request payment. (For security reasons they may NOT email banking information to you). Do not send the outdated UO Outgoing Wire Transfer paper form to vendors or individual to be completed by them.
Use the following steps to complete the electronic form.
Department Information
- Department
- Department Approver Email (This is the Budgetary Authority or Approver of the wire transfer (may be different from dept. staff, the form Originator, completing this form and uploading the request)
- Department Approver First Name (Budgetary Authority or Approver of the wire transfer)
- Department Approver Last Name (This is the Budgetary Authority or Approver of the wire transfer (may be different from dept. staff, the Originator, completing this form and uploading the request. The uploaded wire transfer should be forwarded electronically to the Budgetary Approver/BA to electronically sign). It will then route to for processing.
- Banner I document (Enter the payment in the Banner System with full document text (Contract/grant approval information/Budget approver information, explanation of what is being paid for, contract terms, partial payment information if applicable and etc.), put the document on hold (in FAAINVE on the Invoice Header page go under the TOOLS menu in upper right corner, select Document Indicators, then check the HOLD box and change it to single or one invoice per payment). Make sure the Banner document numbers placed on hold is on the wire form. Leave the document incomplete or in process. AP will complete the document during the wire transfer processing. If you do not put it on hold and leave it incomplete then there is a risk is that both a check payment and a wire payment will occur creating a duplicate payment.
- Account Code
Wire Transfer Information
- Wire Type (choose Domestic or International - we rarely send domestic wire transfers. Domestic vendors should be paid by check and a wire sent domestically only under special circumstances.).
- SP Number (if known - US Bank repeat code number used for reoccurring wire transfers by Central AP. Otherwise leave blank).
- Forward Contact# (Leave blank. This is not the PSC, PO or contract number. This is a special kind of contract sent through Western Union by Global Education)
- Currency (If other than US dollars. Example: EURO. Otherwise, if US leave blank).
- Date Transfer to Occur
- Amount of Wire Transfer (Do not convert to USD if invoice is in other foreign currency. Put the foreign currency amount)
- Banner Vendor Number
- Beneficiary (Vendor) (This is the name of the person or entity that will receive the funds. Use the exact name as it appears on the bank account or it may be returned).
- Beneficiary Email (Optional - for notification of wire transfer)
- Beneficiary street address
- Beneficiary city/state/postal code
- Beneficiary COUNTRY (if other than US)
- Beneficiary Bank name
- Beneficiary Bank ABA routing # for domestic wires or SWIFT/BIC# for foreign wires
- Beneficiary Account # and IBAN #. This is the bank account number and their IBAN# (international bank account number). This number has to be included for all European wires. For Mexico, the Clave Bancaria Estandarizada (CLABE) is the standard numbering for bank accounts. For Australia, the Bank State Branch (BSB) is used as an identifier consisting of a six-digit numerical code that identifies an individual branch of an Australian financial institution. A SWIFT identifier is used in addition to the BSB identifier and a bank account number).
- Bank street address (Beneficiary’s Bank)
- Bank city (Beneficiary’s Bank)
- Bank state (Beneficiary’s Bank)
- Bank country (Beneficiary’s Bank)
- Intermediary Bank (If applicable. Example Transferwise or Citi Bank)
- Intermediary Bank ABA routing # for domestic wires or SWIFT/BIC# for foreign wires
- Intermediary Bank Account #
- Message for the Beneficiary - for the person receiving the money to let them know what the payment is for. KEEPIT SHORT and only what is necessary! Example: put Contract, PO, and/or invoice number or brief description of payment. There is limited space for the message to be entered on the actual wire transfer and Accounts Payable must also fit the assigned wire number and institutions name in this area as well.
Supplemental Documents (Upload):
****Upload copy of banking information supplied through a secure means by the vendor (if it is not on invoice), contract, PO, invoice(s), Approvals, Concur travel reimbursement report, and/or any other payment supporting documentation.
CONCUR Travel Reimbursements: Please complete Concur travel reimbursement and then immediately notify BA Travel Dept. that you need to process the travel reimbursement by wire transfer. BA Travel Dept. must open it back up and put the Banner C document on hold to avoid the payment paying as a check. The wire transfer will be processed by BA Accounts Payable. Please follow the remainder of wire transfer directions below.
When uploading the Outgoing Wire Transfer form and you are unable to get a digital or ink signature, then an email approval is acceptable for documentation purposes, but the uploaded Outgoing Wire Transfer form must be routed electronically to the Department BA approver to electronically sign.
Forward the following documentation to Accounts Payable attached to the Wire Transfer Request Upload Request Form (or fax):
- Bank information that was supplied securely by the vendor from their bank (if not on invoice). This must be submitted to your dept. through a secure means such as One Drive, Drop Box, etc.
- Invoice (if applicable)
- Contract, POS, PO, Agreement, Addendum, etc. (if applicable)
- Approvals (as required for any Banner invoice payment)
- Concur Travel Reimbursement report (if applicable)
- any other supporting payment documentation
The expenditure will be loaded to Banner on the Banner invoice by Accounts Payable, and processed within a weeks time as an online check in Banner. The check number assigned in Banner will start with a W and will be viewable in vendor history and all other forms that display check information.
- Outgoing wire transfer form (do not send this form to vendors for them to complete or use this form unless absolutely necessary. This form is now an electronic form within the Wire Transfer Request Upload form.
- Wire Transfer Request Upload form
- OANDA Currency Converter
- Wire Transfer Definitions
- Vendor Setup Instructions
- Options for Foreign Payment
- Foreign Entity Flow Chart
Instructions for Incoming Wire Transfers
Outgoing Wire Transfer Request Upload Instructions
Outgoing Wire Transfer Request Upload Instructions
Under the Business Affairs web site ( under BA Forms:
- Please select under the category Central Accounts Payable and Invoice Payments the Wire Transfer Upload Form. This form is password protected so you will need to log in to access the upload form.
- Add your Department Information.
- Provide the Wire Transfer Information. (Be sure to include your Banner I Document number that is incomplete and on HOLD. To put it on HOLD in Banner click on TOOLS Menu and under Options, select View Document Indicators. Change the Grouping from (M)any invoices per check to (1) Invoice per check and click the 'HOLD' box).
- Upload a pdf of ALL the supporting documentation such as Contract, PO, POS, invoice, etc.
- Upload the banking information that was provided to you by the vendor (through a secure means). Emailing banking information is NOT secure. SAVE.
- Edit the Signature Block’s Departmental Approver line and select the Department’s Budgetary Approver’s email address for the wire to be routed to them for approval of the Outgoing Wire Transfer Request. SAVE. Note: In order to main separation of duties within the department, the individual preparing and uploading the wire transfer for the department should be different than the Budgetary Authority/BA who will be electronically signing approval of the wire.
- Select SEND! Your Wire Transfer Request will be sent to for processing by Central BA Accounts Payable. If you have questions please email:
Status of a Wire Request
AP is unable to provide statuses for wire transfers because once we send them to the Bank, we generally hear nothing further form the Bank as to the status. It is assumed it went to your vendor with no issues if we are not notified by US Bank.
Please see Wire Transfers (Outgoing) and read under the Outgoing Wire Transfer Overview for some pertinent info. It takes AT LEAST 7-10 after AP has sent the outgoing wire transfer to US bank for it to clear US Bank, and be completed, then loaded into Banner with a W number in the Banner check vendor field.
Three things you can do:
- Reach out to your vendor and see if they have received the payment. They often times know quicker than we do because we have to hear back from their bank through US Bank (our bank). If the vendor is reaching out to you. They should be directed to check with their bank.
Look up the payment under the vendor number in FWIVNDH - UO Vendor Detail History or look up the Banner I doc number in FOIDOCH - Document History.
- If a W number is in the check number field this means the payment has cleared US Bank and is completed.
- If no W number, it means either the payment has not yet been deducted from the UO US Bank Account OR, Accounts Payable has not had time to go into your Banner I document and add FOATEXT and complete it so a W number can be loaded. Again, it takes AT LEAST 7-10 after AP has sent the outgoing wire transfer to US bank for it to clear US Bank, and be completed, then loaded into Banner with a W number in the Banner check vendor field.
NOTE: AP is experiencing an increase in the number of wire transfers being requested. We will do everything in our power to both send the wire and complete the Banner documents as soon as we can. Please plan ahead if possible.
- You can go under UO Forms and look under MY documents. The wire eform should show complete. We also add notes on the status of the processing of the wire as we are able. Once you see a Wire number assigned and see the message in the comment section that says it was sent with a US Bank Control Number, you can be assured it was sent through US Bank to your vendor.
Outgoing FOREIGN Payment Options
When requesting a W-8 for a foreign vendor setup, please inquire whether the vendor can receive a U.S. check. If they cannot cash a U.S. check, then you will need to follow the Outgoing Wire Transfer procedures at time of payment.
For details related to taxation and foreign payments See: Payments to Foreign Entities and Payment Process for International Individuals
The UO Accounts Payable foreign payment options are as follows:
Check Payments (Foreign):
- Be sure to verify that the foreign entity can receive AND cash a paper check issued by the University of Oregon and mailed to their permanent address. If the foreign entity needs the paper check mailed to an alternate mailing address, please makes sure the mailing address is set up in Banner prior to issuing payment.
- Request a vendor set up (if a new vendor) and/or confirm mailing or remit to address activation request as you normally would for processing a Banner payment. Note: W-8’s often provide both a permanent and a mailing address for foreign entities. (The permanent address is set as the default in Banner for tax reporting purposes). For all foreign payments (including virtual presentations by zoom) follow the instructions set forth at Payment Process for International Visitors. If you have any questions regarding vendor set-up, resident alien, or non-resident alien requirements, please contact Accounts Payable at
- Always choose the current active mailing address when entering a Banner payment to be issued as a paper check payment. (Warning!!!! Concur will issue Travel Reimbursements to the default address In Banner).
- Paper checks are produced and mailed on Tuesday and Thursday each week.
ACH or Direct Deposit (US Bank) Payments (Foreign):
Resident Aliens and all other foreign entities with US mailing addresses and established US Bank accounts while living in the US can sign up to receive payment by ACH (Direct Deposit).
- Request vendor set up (if a new vendor) and/or confirm address activations as you normally would for processing a Banner payment. Note: W-8’s often provide both a permanent and a mailing address for foreign entities. (The permanent address is set as the default in Banner for tax reporting purposes). For all foreign payments (including virtual presentations by zoom) follow the instructions set forth at Payment Process for International Visitors. If you have any questions regarding vendor set-up, resident alien, or non-resident alien requirements, please contact Accounts Payable at
- Request the Accounts Payable ACH Credit Authorization form to be completed by the foreign entity. The ACH Credit Authorization form must be faxed back to the dept. or sent by mail to the dept.
- The Dept. must then either fax the ACH Credit Authorization form with a U.S. Bank account to Accounts Payable or forward it to Accounts Payable through campus mail. For confidentiality and security reasons Accounts Payable CANNOT Accept an emailed ACH Credit Authorization form. Please do not have individuals send a faxed ACH directly to AP unless you have made arrangements with AP to do so. AP will not know what the fax is regarding or who to contact unless you send it.
- Allow 7-10 days for BOTH the vendor set up and/or address activation, and ACH activation, to take effect and become active. Note: If you enter a payment prior to the ACH activation being complete (active), your payment may end up producing a check payment depending on when you have set the pay date. Once an entity has been set up for ACH, the bank account will remain active from then on unless the entity provides a new ACH Credit Authorization form or notifies Accounts Payable the bank account is no longer active.
- Dept. should verify the vendor ACH activation is set up by entering a Banner document. On the Banner Invoice/Credit Memo Header section in FAAINVE look at the Direct Deposit Status field. In this field you will see Yes or No. If it is marked YES, then you may proceed with processing your payment as an ACH (Direct deposit). If it is marked NO, exit and try entering payment again later on when the indicator is YES.
- On the day an ACH payment is issued; the entity will receive an email notifying them of the pending ACH or Direct Deposit. The email will have the same information as that normally on a paper check stub. Due to NACHA (Electronic payment regulations); however, the money will not be deposited into their bank account until the next bank day. ACH or Direct Deposits are processed on Tuesday and Thursdays.
- The check number assigned in Banner will start with a ! (for ACH) and will be viewable in Banner vendor history form as well as any form that displays check information.
Foreign Outgoing Wire Transfer
- Request the vendor set up (if a new vendor) and/or confirm address activations as you normally would for processing a Banner payment. Note: W-8’s often provide both a permanent and a mailing address for foreign entities. (The permanent address is set as the default in Banner for tax reporting purposes). For all foreign payments (including virtual presentations by zoom) follow the instructions set forth at Payment Process for International Visitors. If you have any questions regarding vendor set-up, resident alien, or non-resident alien requirements, please contact Accounts Payable at
- Request the foreign entity to provide you in writing the following banking/wire transfer information by fax or by mailing it to you (For security reasons they may not email it to you). Do not send the UO Request for Wire Transfer form to the foreign entity. (This is a UO internal form for depts. to use).
- Beneficiary: This is the name of the person or entity that will receive the funds
- Beneficiary Account #, IBAN # or CLAVE#. This is the bank account number and their IBAN# (international bank account number). This number has to be included for all European wires
- Beneficiary street address
- Beneficiary city/state/country
- Beneficiary bank name
- Bank ABA routing # for domestic wires or SWIFT/BIC# for foreign wires
- Bank street address
- Bank city/state/country
- The Dept. must follow all of the Outgoing Wire Transfer instructions and electronically complete the Wire Transfer Request Upload request form. Upload the following:
- Invoice and/or other payment documentation.
- Bank Information that was supplied by the foreign entity (if not on the invoice). See Above.
- Copy of contract, POS or PO if applicable
- Banner Document Number that the dept. entered into Banner (and left incomplete and on HOLD in FAAINVE under Document Indicators) See item 1. Under Check Pickups, Special Handling or Holds for further instructions on how to place a Banner document on Hold.
For confidentiality and security reasons Accounts Payable CANNOT Accept an emailed UO Request for Wire Transfer form or emailed banking information!
- Due to increased number of outgoing wire transfers, PLEASE ALLOW A MINIMUM of 3 days for processing. If the wire transfer is absolutely a RUSH then please notify that you have a RUSH wire transfer, otherwise Accounts Payable will work to get the wire transfer processed as quickly as it can.
- Any Outgoing Wire Transfer to a foreign entity received AFTER 10:00 am on the 27th of the month will not be sent until the first business day of the next month (this is to allow time for BA processes to be completed by month end).
- If a Travel reimbursement is being issued to a foreign traveler through Concur and the traveler needs to be paid by an outgoing foreign WIRE TRANSFER, please contact the Travel Dept. for further instructions and assistance. They can place a HOLD on your C document in order to allow Accounts Payable time to process the wire transfer and load the final Wire number under your Banner C document.
- It may take 7-10 days from the day the outgoing wire transfer was sent by Accounts Payable and the date payment is linked to the Banner I or C document by Accounts Payable. The check number assigned in Banner will start with a W (for wire) and will be viewable in vendor history as well as all other forms that display check information.
Foreign Payment unable to be issued as a Check, ACH, or Wire Transfer
On rare occasions you may have a foreign entity who is performing services at the UO and will not be able to receive payment by any of the previous payment options. You will need to process a check payment to be picked up by your dept. while the foreign entity is in town. You will need to pick the check up from Accounts Payable and go with the foreign entity to US Bank so they can cash it while the entity is in town. Note: Plan in advance to allow time for payment processing and tax withholding (if required).
Under these uncommon situations you may need to do the following:
- Enter the payment into Banner as you normally would.
- Change payment due date to produce a check while the foreign entity is in Eugene.
- Place a hold on the Banner document for special handling. See instructions for Check Pickups, Special Handling or Holds.
- Accompany the foreign visitor to US Bank so that US bank may be able to cash their check while in town.
Note: Tangible goods can be bought from foreign vendors using a PCard. A Special One-time-only exception is required from Business Affairs if the University PCard will be used to purchase an Intangible, such as software, images, database access, services, and any purchases not requiring shipping, and may require additional taxes to be charged to the Department. For more information on this process see: Payments to Foreign Entities.
Key Terms Associated with US Bank International Wire Transfers
Account numbering identifiers/codes
SWIFT/BIC: A code affiliated with the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) identifying international financial institutions. Usually consisting of 8 or 11 alpha numeric characters with the 5th and 6th characters identifying the country. The BIC is an 8 or 11-character code also known as the SWIFT address. The BIC could be entered as: BARCGB22 or DEUTDE3B400.
IBAN: International Bank Account Number (IBAN) identifies the routing instructions for the receiving country. Consists of up to 30 alpha-numeric characters, which typically designate the bank and customer account numbers. Do not include dashes or spaces. The IBAN for the United Kingdom is 22 alpha-numeric characters and would be entered as: GB29NWBK60161331926819.
CLABE: Clave Bancaria Estandarizada (CLABE) is the standard for bank account numbering in Mexico. Required when sending wire transfers to Mexico. Consists of an 18-digit account code/number. Do not include dashes or spaces. The CLABE for a wire to Mexico is 18 characters and would be formatted as: 072375006539998115.
BSB: Bank State Branch (BSB) is used as an identifier consisting of a six-digit numerical code that identifies an individual branch of an Australian financial institution. A SWIFT identifier is used in addition to the BSB identifier and a bank account number. Do not include dashes.
For all other countries outside of Canada, Europe, Mexico, and Panama the Western Union/WU Payment Formatting Guidelines may be a useful reference for obtaining correct banking information for requesting an international wire transfer. The UO does not use Western Union. The UO uses US Bank for all Wire Transfers.
Payment Related Resources
- Outgoing wire transfers
- Wire Transfer Request Upload
- Outgoing PAYMENT TYPES for Foreign Entities
- Payments to Foreign Entities
- Payment Process for International Visitors
- Payment to International Individuals Flow Chart
- Check Pick Ups, Special Handling, & Holds on Invoices
- Check Vendor Function
- Single Use Payment (SUA)
- Updating ACH/DD in Duckweb for Employee Reimbursements and Student Stipends or Refunds
- FIS Invoice Entry Instructions