Accounts Payable

Operational Changes and Information: See the AP News folders below. 


What we do:

Accounts Payable is committed to assisting departments process accurate and timely outgoing Banner invoice payments to our vendors; as well as non-payroll related payments to faculty, staff, and students. We process outgoing payments by the following methods: check, ACH or direct deposit, SUA/Single Use Accounts, and wire transfers. We ensure compliance with the University’s policies and procedures, federal and state laws related to tax reporting, accountability and best business practices. The Accounts Payable staff are dedicated to providing quality and courteous customer service to all our vendors, employees, and students.

AP News

Account Code Search (

Effective August 13th the webpage is no longer supported by BAO IT. A replacement Fiscal Policy Manual/FPM web page was created but the account code search function is no longer an option. There is now a link on the fpm webpage to an excel file you can search on.   BAO IT will continue to work on creating an alternative account code search if possible. Until then you can use Control F in the excel file and search by account code number or description to locate the appropriate account code.

Activating Direct Deposit/ACH

Please have faculty, staff, and students update their Duckweb information including mailing addresses and ACH information. This will reduce the number of misdirected or delayed payments. 
When making foreign vendor payments by check be sure to make sure the vendor can receive and cash paper checks.

Activating Direct Deposit/ACH for Employee Reimbursements and Student Refunds

  • Go into Duckweb.
  • Select Employee Dashboard application
  • In the center of the screen select Direct Deposit Information.
  • Go to the BOTTOM of the screen.
  • Look under Employee Reimbursements and Student Account Refunds
  • Click the up or down arrow on the far right.
  • Check the box in front of the bank name shown or add a new bank and account number if you want reimbursements to go to a different bank account.
  • Select the box that says:         By checking this box, I authorize the University of Oregon to initiate direct deposit to my bank account, to request the return of any funds to which I am not entitled, and verify that funds deposited will not ultimately be transferred to another bank outside the U.S.
  • Save.

Vendor Set Up Requests

In March 2024, the Internal Revenue Service made significant changes to IRS Form W-9, making the 2018 version and prior versions of the IRS form obsolete.

The UO Substitute W-9 has also been updated to incorporate the changes made by the IRS. Instructions for secure submission can be found in the following link. Secure Transmission of ALL versions of W-8 and W-9 Forms

Effective 10/1/2024 we can no longer accept the previous version of the UOW9 and the 2018, and prior versions of the IRS Form W-9.  

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Diane Carl at

1099 Misc. and 1099-NEC forms

ATTN:  If you are reaching out regarding an incorrect 2024 1099 MISC or 1099 NEC, unfortunately, we discovered an error in the data that was used to populate the forms, resulting in incorrect information being included. We are aware of the issue. Voided and/or Corrected 1099 forms will be mailed to all affected vendors the week of February 17.

If you have a 1099-MISC. (Miscellaneous Income) or a 1099-NEC (Non-employee Compensation) form related question please call Diane Huffman Carl at 541-346-4235.  Form 1099 MISC. and 1099-NEC will be mailed on or before January 31, 2025.  You may also email your question to Diane Huffman Carl's attention at

NOTE: Student stipends are considered a form of student aid.

The IRS does not require the UO currently to issue 1099's for these kinds of payments.  Because how student aid and scholarships can impact a student's taxes, the UO cannot offer tax advice or a determination on whether you would or would not have to report this kind of student aid on your tax forms.

There will be no tax form sent to you for this student aid.  The UO would refer you to IRS Publication 970 - Tax Benefits for Education or your tax advisor for further assistance.  Also, there is some limited volunteer tax assistance available at the UO Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program website. 

If you need to see what payments that were issued to you in 2024, you can log into Duckweb with your 95X Id number and look under the Student Menu for Student Stipends and Refunds. You should be able to print the information showing the University of Oregon on it for your records or to give to your tax advisor.

Copies of 1098 -T Tuition Statements (not related to Student Stipend payments) are available online through Duckweb from the Student Menu.  See:  Student Financial Services for assistance with 1098-T questions.

Mobile Technology: 

See Business Affairs News Announcement regarding Mobile Technology for the current fiscal year. 

Check Runs and ACH

Regular check run days:

Tuesdays: ACH/Direct Deposits, Paper Checks, and Single Use Account (SUA) payments

Thursdays: ACH/Direct Deposits, Paper Checks, and Single Use Account (SUA) payments

Accounts Payable check payments include vendor and contract payments, employee and student aid, refunds, stipends and reimbursements.  If you have further questions about check runs call Diane Huffman Carl at 6-4235.

Stipends:  If the 27th falls on a holiday, weekend, or non check run day (MWF), you would have to select the last check run day (Tuesday or Thursday) of the month as the pay date in order for the stipend to be paid in that month.

ACH reminder: It is important for faculty, staff, and students to keep their Duckweb information current including mailing addresses and ACH information.  Also, when making foreign vendor payments by check be sure to make sure the vendor can receive and cash paper checks.

Wire Transfers and Deadlines

Outgoing wire transfers will be processed within three days of receipt of your uploaded wire transfer form.  Please allow Accounts Payable 3 days for processing. 

All wires in foreign currency must be received by AP (10:00 am) and initiated by AP at least three business days before the end of the month to allow adequate time for the wire transfers to clear the US Bank and post by the last day of the month.   

NOTE: There are updated instructions for Outgoing Wire Transfers including a Wire Transfer Request Upload form.  Please use the new upload process when requesting wire transfers.

Wire Transfer Request Upload Procedures

UO Outgoing Wire Transfer Request Upload Procedures

If you are contracting or purchasing in any uncommon foreign currency, please check with Accounts Payable before contracting to make sure we can send a wire in that currency. If we cannot send a wire in a particular currency you may have to have the foreign vendor invoice/contract in U.S. dollars.  (The default currency on PSC contracts and PO's is U.S. dollars).

Before initiating your wire transfer you will need to have the following documentation to upload in the electronic wire form. Your wire will be delayed if you are not able to upload these documents:

  • Bank information that was supplied securely by the vendor from their bank (if not on invoice). This must be submitted to your dept. through a secure means such as One Drive, Drop Box, etc.
  • Invoice (if applicable)
  • Contract, PO, Agreement, Amendment, etc. (if applicable)
  • Approvals (as required for any Banner invoice payment)
  • Concur Travel Reimbursement report (if applicable)
  • any other supporting payment documentation

Due to the increased number of outgoing wire transfers, PLEASE ALLOW a MINIMUM of 3 days for processing. 

Under the BA web site ( under BA Forms:

  1. Please select under the category Central Accounts Payable and Invoice Payments the Wire Transfer Upload FormThis form is password protected so you will need to log in to access the upload form.
  2. Under the Wire Transfer Upload Form. This form is password protected so you will need to log in to access the upload form.:
  • Add your departmental contact first and last name and phone number.
  • Include your Banner I Document number that is both incomplete and on HOLD.  To put it on HOLD in Banner click on TOOLS Menu and under Options, select View Document Indicators.  Change the Grouping from (M)any invoices per check to (1) Invoice per check and click the 'HOLD' box).
  • Upload a pdf of ALL the supporting documentation such as contract, PO, invoice, etc.
  • Upload the banking information in writing that was provided to you by the vendor from their bank (through a secure means)Emailing banking information is NOT secure.  See Banking Information under Outgoing Wire Transfers.
  • Save.

3. Edit the Signature Block’s Departmental Approver line and select the Department’s Budgetary Approver’s email address for the wire to be routed to them for approval of the Outgoing Wire Transfer Request. SAVE.  Note: In order to main separation of duties within the department, the individual preparing and uploading the wire transfer for the department should be different than the Budgetary Authority/BA who will be electronically signing approval of the wire.

  1. Select SEND! Your Wire Transfer Request will be sent to for processing by Central BA Accounts Payable. If you have questions please email:                                                                        

SUA (JP Morgan Single Use Account) Program

We continue to enroll vendors to receive payments under the SUA (JP Morgan Single Use Account) Program. When entering a payment in Banner you will receive a notification message that the vendor is a SUA vendor. Just close the message and continue with payment. There is nothing you need to do differently when entering the payment. For more information on how this virtual card payment program works see the July 2019 Campus Announcement: JP Morgan Single Use Accounts/SUA.

See also the Q&A's and links under Vendor Payment Options on the Accounts Payable Web Site: Single Use Account/SUA

Accessing Vendor Payment and Check Information (UO Access only)

On the AP web site under Table of Contents and click on the Invoices link, you will see links on the various querying screens for help on how to query.  With the vendor name, vendor number and/or vendor invoice number you will want to use FWIVNDH - UO Vendor Detail History form.  With the Banner I document or check number you will want to use FOIDOCH - Document History form. If you already have the check number you can also access FAICHKH - Check Payment History.


    FTIIDEN - Entity Name/ID Search Form
    FOATEXT - Adding Text after Completion
    FAICHKH - Check Payment History
    FAIINVE - Invoice/Credit Memo Query
    FWIVNDH - UO Vendor Detail History
    FOIDOCH - Document History

If you need further help email:


A UO Substitute W-9 is not needed to set up a vendor for a refund payment.  Vendor accounts for refunds will be active for 30 days only. If you do not issue the refund within the 30 day time period you will need to send a request to have the account temporarily reactivated.

Accounts Payable Contact(s)

Accounts Payable
Position Name Email Phone Functions
General Accounts Payable * * * 541-346-3143
Manager Diane Carl 541-346-4235

AP Manager, check printing/ACH processing, SUA's/Single Use Accounts. 1099's

Program Specialist Audrey Gilliam 541-346-3152

Outgoing Wire Transfers

Program Specialist Carmela Kortum 541-346-3126

Banner I Document Training/Entry/Approvals, Outgoing Wire Transfers

Accounts Payable Admin Leslie Wicker 541-346-1252

ACH/Direct Deposits, Disbursement Requests, Special Handling of Checks, Lost Check Statements

Vendor Coordinator Serina Dugan 541-346-3189

Vendor Set-ups, W9's & W8's (forms), Check copies